Let us try & understand what wealth truly means. Wealth is basically abundance, and abundance is the opposite of lack. A popular misconception of being wealthy is being financially rich and that is only a part of being truly wealthy.

The first step to having wealth is to know what wealth actually is. In fact only a few people know what wealth really is, in and of itself. So what is wealth & what causes someone to make wealth?

Let us start with money. Money is the world’s symbol of wealth. But is money for real? Well, money is not for real. Money is merely a form of exchange, a legal tender or a barter so to speak. It only represents value & we use it to exchange value. Money is therefore the ‘body’ of value.

Money is not for real – but something else is. Money is just the shadow or a reflection of that something else. The first step to wealth is to know what money really is, or to put it more precisely, what money represents.

Don’t just look at the money you have but instead look at the value within you and within other people around you. This flowing and exchanging of value between people is what gives money its intrinsic value.

The value we possess internally is what gives money its derived value. Money is merely the shadow of our intrinsic value. If you want to experience a considerable rise in your external money, success & wealth, all you need to do is to develop this internal value in yourself and in others.

Money is any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or a means of payment. It is merely a physical representation of the value that rises and falls within us.

The materialistic things that we desire & aim for in life have no ‘money’ value in themselves. We give that value to them. Money is the just the external physical representation of a particular section of our own internal value.

It’s not a physical representation of value of ‘things’ outside of us, but within us; for without us, what can the value of a thing, such as a house or a boat, be? In other words, it is we humans, that place value in things, but this value is really the value in us & not in something outside of us. We give value to the material things.

We have seen many times the value of real estate or say a stock of shares valued at $1 million fall or suddenly hit a low of say half a million dollars. When & why does this happen? It happens when fear gets afflicted or introduced into the minds of the parties involved.

The fear kills a certain portion of the internal value of the parties involved in the transaction & is often reflected by the paper money which is the ‘body’ of value.

Also value is purely a notional concept relative to the perception of each individual. The notion or the perception of value itself fluctuates as dramatically as the economy, the rate of inflation, foreign exchange rates & reserves and many other such human constructs.

The problem is, even these factors in and of themselves are purely human constructs, which can and are often manipulated by world governments, economies, institutions, and in particular central banks for their own ends & needs. It is really not that easy & obvious to know as to how or on what basis the central banks print money.

If we were to stack say just one million US$1 bills, it would weigh around a ton and be approximately 361 ft high!!! Can you even dare to imagine as to how much space it would take to store all the money in this world in paper form?

If entire money cannot be represented in physical form & only a part of it can be represented; then what does it exist as? As a matter of fact, we are all living under an illusion. The remaining money is represented by nothing but mere numbers written on papers, stationery and computer or any other such data storage device.

Only a very small percentage of the money in the world tangibly exists in the form of physical coins and notes. Most money is in the form of electronic data, bits and bytes held on a network of computer systems that can simply move money around at the touch of a button on the computer. So even money in itself is a notional concept — an illusion existing only to perpetuate the human concept of value.

Some estimates suggest that only as little as 4% of the money in the banks exists as paper cash. In other words, only 4% of money in banks & financial institutions exists in physical form. This 4% is just a rough estimate & can vary in the range of 4% - 6%.

To put it in another way, out of every $100, only about $4 exists as printed-paper notes or coins, while the remaining $96 exists as numbers written on papers and computers in banks, financial institutions and other businesses. The only reason this system does not collapse is because we all believe in it.

Money is intangible and unreal, whereas abundance is our birthright as a divine aspect of the universe. To be dependent on money is to be out of harmony with the universe.

We now know that money is not real. Then the next obvious question is - what money really is? Money is only an idea to represent how much value you have provided to others.

When you provide value to others what happens is that you end up receiving money so that you can use it to receive value from others that is yours to rightfully experience. This even further puts you in a position to provide more value!!!

Stop seeing money as a scarce or a limited commodity. When you have resistance towards giving money in exchange for the value that others provide, you also begin to develop resistance towards receiving money from others for the value they provide.

When you take money without actually providing any real value, money will be taken from you without giving you any real benefit or value. That is why ill intentions & ill achieved gains do not do any good because the universe is always reflecting back whatever you do. What you give, is what you get.

In order to experience abundance, you have to perceive abundance. If your world really was abundant, then you’d expect that others have more than enough to give to you for what you give to them, and you’d receive joyfully knowing that they’ll keep having more themselves.

You have now fully understood that money in reality is not real, but only represents the value in us. Now let’s take this concept even further. Value is again a notional concept based only on our perceptions. Perceptions are an indicator of our beliefs.

It’s only because we believe something to have an ‘X’ amount of value, that it gets its value. Also, beliefs are a direct manifestation of energy.

Whatever the mind of a man can believe, it can achieve. Energy is formless but begins to take form depending on the beliefs you hold about anything.

Money is a form of energy. It’s energy, a feeling, a belief!!! By stating, that money is a form of energy, we come once again to our basic premise that – All that exists, are different manifestations of energy & like everything else money is also energy!!!

Now, this is what you must know about energy – ‘ENERGY FLOWS WHERE ATTENTION GOES!!!’ Whatever you give your attention to, your undivided focus & attention, that’s where energy will flow.

When you give your pure undivided attention to the ‘having’ of money; energy flows to manifest money for you in your physical reality. There is always an infinite supply of everything you desire, & this includes money as well. By focusing on the infinite supply, you invite it into your own life experience.

When you think & feel that there is not enough, then that will be the reality you will create. You will create a reality in which there won’t be enough. But when you understand the laws of nature, energy & vibration, you will realize that there is more than enough & all that you have to do is just tap into this infinite reservoir of energy & manifest the life of your dreams!!!

Thought -> Idea -> Money -> Value -> Perception -> Belief -> Energy -> Attention –> Physical Manifestation!!!

An idea begins with a thought. Money is an idea representing the value in us. Value is a notional concept based on our perceptions. Our beliefs form these perceptions. Beliefs are a manifestation of energy. Energy flows where attention goes & wherever attention goes, there is a physical manifestation taking place!!!

All conditions in life are created by consciousness. You manifest exactly what you perceive.

Author's Bio: 

Amit Desai is an Author & Keynote Speaker on The Law of Attraction, Prosperity Catalyst & Trainer

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