There are countless false assumptions and myths regarding software testing that sometimes prevent organizations to fully test their applications, allowing the risk of an insecure and unproductive final product to increase. Testing doesn’t only provide the security to the application or system but also concentrates on the fulfillment of the end-users’ needs.

Let’s look at some of the most common myths that need to be debunked for good:

Testing expenditure is unnecessary:

People often think that spending on a software testing company is a waste of money. But in reality, if testing is done right, it can be a source of your major savings by taking care of the maintenance of the software. The cost of one-time testing is much less than the repeated software maintenance cost.

It’s very time-consuming:

It is not. It’s a very common misconception and needs to be addressed right away. Debugging takes more time as bug fixing is complicated.

Testing will give 100% desirable results:

In an ideal environment, one must always aim for perfection. But never is an environment ideal, nor is it sensible to aim for perfection in it. Tested doesn’t ensure a perfect product. There are always some vulnerabilities that can never be executed during the testing process.

Only the products that are completely developed are up for testing:

It’s always an option, yes. But it is very important to test software after adding or removing each functionality to see if it is done correctly and what effects it has on the rest of the software. Testing after completing the development can create chaos and may take a lot of effort to fix a problem.

There are no defects in a tested software:

The 0-defect theory is a dream that will never come true. No matter how many layers of testing you conduct, how good your hired software testing company is or how robust your processes are, the bug count will never hit zero and it’s better to keep in mind.

Automation testing is less time-taking:

True, but can it be performed at every stage of software development? No. Can it be performed before manual testing? No. Sometimes, there’s no substitute for the manual way of doing things, even in this technological era.

Software testing is like a walk in the park:

People with limited testing knowledge often tend to assume that it can be done by any person with less knowledge and experience. But in reality, it is a work of experts who are both extremely knowledgeable and well-experienced to make productive software.

Testing starts and ends with finding bugs:

It is not wrong that finding bugs is one of the most important objectives of testing but it is not the only objective. Several other aspects need to be taken care of during the testing process. All the non-functional and functional requirements are checked during this process.

Author's Bio: 

As a Senior Marketing Consultant at Kualitatem, Ray Parker loves to write tech-related news, articles, specifically quality assurance and information security. Apart from his techie appearance, he enjoys soccer, reading mysteries, and spending long hours working over at the New York office.