Others have tried to mess with it by giving advice but are not to blame.

I have listened to teachers and motivational speakers, read inspirational books and thousands of quotes written throughout history. The internet has exposed me to much more. Some of it good, some not. Once in a while over the years I have met, spoken with or traded emails with a top business executive, famous actor or athlete.

People who are discussed, loved, hated, remembered or rich for some reason have interesting stories but have never done or said anything that changed me. My name isn’t famous. No biography on Wikipedia. Same old guy. Like most of us I have imitated things I like about others and avoided what I don’t but am still my own work of art.

The rich, successful and famous have inspired me in some ways but not by showing me their secret recipe for success. Seeing them, hearing them, reading what they wrote got rid of the idea that they are special or magical. It convinced me that we are basically physically and mentally the same. That could easily be the most important lesson I have ever learned.

Everyone chooses their own path. Takes the same raw material and makes a different life. Like the people I knew in schools many years ago who went in all directions. Their lives are different but are neither better nor worse than mine. They are neither superior nor inferior to me. They are just people who have made different decisions because they had different information or saw the same information from a different viewpoint.

I am never stuck with whatever life throws at me. I am just as capable as anybody else so I can and should change my life to what I really want. Not what I am told is good or on a time table made by others. Once I have that straight the rest falls nicely into place.

Thinking and putting things into perspective is a good thing. My thoughts don’t instantly change me either but are like seeds that grow into a personal philosophy over time. A way of thinking. A set of basic beliefs. Mine is still evolving and will continue until I assume room temperature.

What is important to me may not be what is important to you. Whether you envy my life or pray that you never have to live that way is not important to me. Self respect is and I maintain that by being honest and reasonable toward you even if your attitude toward me is negative.

It is a philosophy that has brought me peace. Moderate habits plus mental and physical health give the feeling of security. That removes the need to be defensive. Relaxed and secure means I am free to enjoy life. With my own attitude adjusted I have done all I can. You will act the way you wish but you will not spoil my life.

Author's Bio: 

Ken Lind. Husband, father, grandfather, veteran, marketing management major, corporate management and sales schools, award winning salesman, manager, business owner, toastmasters president, business club officer and board member, writer, author, insatiably curious.