My Wife Wants A Divorce And I Don't: She Wants A Divorce And I Don't

Divorce is a terrifying word when you're deeply in love with your wife and hoping for a long and happy future together. Most couples will inevitably face conflict in their relationship and at times, they may struggle to find a resolution that leaves them both feeling satisfied. Over time, if that continually happens and one partner feels that their voice or opinion is always being muffled, they'll begin to contemplate the idea of separation or eventual divorce. When your wife wants a divorce and you clearly don't, you've reached a life changing crossroads in your relationship. This is not the time to allow your emotions to dictate your actions. You need to think clearly whenever possible and approach this situation from a place of reasons and understanding compassion.

"She wants a divorce and I don't." That statement alone shows how far apart emotionally you and your wife are at this moment. Divorce is often a word that is bandied about between couples during a heated argument. Your wife may throw the idea of a divorce squarely at you in an attempt to cause you pain. If this is the only time she's brought the subject up, consider carefully the circumstances. She may be using it as an emotional weapon and once all the dust from the argument has settled, she may realize that a divorce is the furthest thing from her mind. On the other hand, if your wife announced that she wants the marriage to end during a period of calmness or when you felt the marriage was on solid ground, this is an entirely different concern.

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If your wife is dead serious about her desire to leave you and end the marriage, taking action right now is crucial. Although your first instinct may be to tell her that you won't have any part of it or you're completely against it, try with all the emotional effort you have, not to do that. Your wife is dealing with some very fragile emotions if she's reached a point where ending her marriage feels like the right choice. Negating that by suggesting she needs to calm down or take a deep breath will only prove to upset and alienate her more. What she is feeling is incredibly real and difficult to her. You must work with her to help her find some inner peace. This is why considering a trial separation may be in the best interests of you both.

It's a major step to go from separating from your spouse to divorcing them. Just as your wife's view of the marriage has changed since your wedding day, the same thing can happen again once a separation is in full swing. You must consider the fact that if your wife says she wants a divorce, she may not fully comprehend what it will be like to live separately, in all ways, from you. Right now, in her mind a future that includes a divorce may look very different than the reality that it will be. Emotions have a way of clouding our better judgment particularly when it comes to things to do with serious decisions.

If you and your wife do come to the resolution that separating may be the best choice, be prepared to start the hard work towards saving your marriage then. You must present yourself as an understanding and compassionate partner who wants to help his wife find her way again. Don't bombard your wife with telephone calls or emails once you two do separate. She does need time to reflect on what the marriage meant to her and what role you have played in her life, and will play in it. You must keep in regular contact though and when you do, be as kind as you possibly can. If your wife understands that you are honouring her feelings, even in a time as challenging as this, she'll see glimpses of the man she married and it may help her feel a pull back to you again.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

If you want to know how to save your marriage even after counseling fails, you are not alone. Millions of couples try counseling every year, only to discover that their marriages are still troubled and didn't improve much. After nearly getting a divorce myself, I made some important discoveries and learned the real truth about marriage counseling.

There are plenty of excellent therapists and counselors out there who do a great job. The purpose of this article is not to demean or diminish the work that they do. However, the fact remains that couples who attend counseling tend to divorce at the same rates as those who don't. Further studies have suggested that traditional marriage counseling only has about a 20% success rate!

The problem seems to be in the training and education that most counselors receive. Most of this education focuses on individual therapy rather than couples therapy. The focus is on the happiness and life satisfaction of the individual. Trying to apply this same model to couples is often very ineffective and can actually make the problem worse. Normally this type of counseling emphasizes better communication skills. Although communication is certainly important in a marriage, it often isn't the real problem and it's doubtful that better communication is going to save a marriage in crisis.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Would you go to see an expensive doctor who had an 80% failure rate in treating his patients? Couples often spend thousands of dollars on marriage counseling and still end up divorced! My wife and I tried marriage counseling and went through the whole process of learning better communication skills. Unfortunately, better communication skills just taught us to fight better. Despite the sincere efforts of our counselor (a PhD) we didn't get any real benefit from all the counseling sessions we attended

After an unsuccessful attempt at marriage counseling and nearly getting a divorce in the process, I was desperate to find a way to save my marriage. I am so grateful to have discovered the truth. I saved my marriage even though my wife had wanted a divorce. I learned what to do, what to say and a proven step-by-step plan that not only save our marriage, but changed our lives.

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

The solution I discovered has been so successful that it was featured on Dateline NBC and has nearly a 90% success rate! It works even when only one partner wants to save the marriage! And you can do it at home without spending tons of money on counseling that doesn't work!

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

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It is bad enough to see a marriage ending. But if the marriage in question is yours - it is much worse, it's just devastating; and even more so if you are the spouse who wants to save the marriage and stop the divorce.

I feel strongly for you if you are in this condition, because I have had the same desperate problem a while ago. I had no idea of what I should do to save my marriage and the ways that I could think of weren't anything else than that "beg your spouse, and apologize really honestly", "cry in front of him or her so that he or she will come back to you in pity". Not surprisingly none of that worked.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

But let's fast forward to today, a happier day! I have saved my marriage and my husband is now in love with me so much that I don't think he (or me for that matter) could consider ending this marriage for maybe another ten years. It's like we have just married and living our honeymoon - our relationship is that good!

Let me say this to you confidently - now when I look back and see the mistakes I have been making to "save my marriage", I let out a bitter smile. I can say that, if you do the RIGHT things, you can absolutely save your marriage - and you should save your marriage because they are the building blocks of a better world.

So how did I save my marriage? Each way of saving a marriage has something to do with "playing the inaccessible". Let me explain that. The basic law of human behavior and desire is this: "you want something more if you can't access it or have it". So if you are less accessible to your spouse, that will HUGELY impact his or her desires towards you in a very positive manner.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

There are certain things that all men seem to complain about once the honeymoon is over. Things like they don't get to go out as often, their weekends are spent tackling the to-do list their wife crafted or they have to spend every Sunday afternoon brunching with the in-laws. Obviously, these issues aren't life changing but they can tend to wear a bit on a couple's connection. Fortunately, most issues like that are easily solvable with a bit of tender cooperation and negotiation. What about when there are issues that threaten the very foundation of the marriage? One of those issues centers on affection. If a wife stops being affectionate is there anything a husband can do or is he destined to a life of physical distance and coldness from his spouse?

Actually a husband must do something as soon as possible if his wife is not affectionate anymore. Physical and emotional affection are instrumental components of a happy marriage. Without them the relationship becomes a shell of what it could be and the husband will begin to resent his wife and her need to withhold warmth from him. If you and your wife used to be the type of couple that held hands as you walked side-by-side or you stole kisses when you two were doing the dishes together, it's understandable why you'd miss not having that now. In many respects when a wife stops being affectionate it's a clear sign that she feels less close emotionally to her husband. Obviously ignoring something like that can only lead to many marital difficulties down the road.

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There are several things that can prove very helpful if you want to reawaken your wife's connection to you. Begin by showing her more affection. At first you may feel somewhat awkward doing this primarily because you'll feel as though you're pushing yourself on your spouse. Try not to view it from that place. Instead, see it as a bit of an exercise in guidance. By demonstrating extra affection to your wife, she may start to feel more valued by you and also more cherished. If a woman feels these things, any emotional barrier that she may have put up will come crashing down. By kissing her when the opportunity presents itself, rubbing her shoulders more or just reaching for her hand when you two are watching television, you'll be showing her glimpses of what's in your heart. Once she senses that, she'll be more open to reciprocating those actions.

One of the measures of a strong and connected marriage is how open and honest the communication is between the partners. If you and your wife don't put in a strong effort to discuss your marriage that can certainly contribute to her not wanting to show you the level of affection she once did. Even though you both may lead incredibly full and busy lives, you must take the time to stay connected by communicating with one another. You should take the lead on this and invite your wife out for a nice dinner at a quiet and relaxing restaurant. Use this opportunity to discuss your marriage and anything that may be plaguing either of you. By initiating this, you'll be demonstrating to your wife how highly you value the marriage and her. It will certainly serve as a catalyst for more open dialogue between you two and it will also pave the way for the both of you to get back on the path to the rewarding closeness you've always wanted.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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