With every latest fad diet that comes out on the market, there is an onslaught of some good and some very dangerous products accompanying those diets. Most do not work, leaving individuals emotionally scarred and sometimes physically scarred. The problem is there is no magic pill out on the market. If one truly wants to lose weight, you need to have a thorough understanding of your body’s physical makeup, metabolism and lifestyle eating behaviors. A diet does not have to be a temporary period of agony and starvation, but rather should become a realistic, permanent life style change.

People who claim they eat nothing and gain weight is due to their fat stores not being able to be processed, because they are lacking the enzymes it takes to break down and eliminate their fat. So you have to shift over the equilibrium and flood your system with good fats to dilute the bad fats. There are two pathways fat can follow, one is to be used straight as fuel, the second is the fats go on to produce prostaglandins and eicosinoids. If someone is having difficulty losing weight altogether, they need to consume medium chain triglycerides which are a manufactured product, they do not occur in nature. The body does not have the capacity to store this, so it is used as fuel right off the bat. This primes the body to use fat as a fuel source. You can also use short chain triglycerides such as ghee and butyric acid.
Keep in mind artificial sweeteners are not beneficial in weight loss because they still don’t turn off the body’s feedback system.

If you are an individual who has slowly put on weight as you age, there is a possibility you have become deficient in hormones, which commonly decline the older we get. However, hormones are very tricky to regulate and should only be guided by a health care professional. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) declines with age in both males and females, and the 7-keto form of DHEA can be taken safely to build up your stores of DHEA. 7-keto DHEA does not transform into a myriad of other hormones, but remains as DHEA in your body. This supplement boosts fat-burning enzymes, resulting in significant loss of body fat.

Consuming fiber before eating can reduce the rapid absorption of simple carbohydrates and modulate blood sugar levels. The intake of soluble fiber prior to eating, also enables you to feel satiated sooner, resulting in less consumption of calories. To help induce weight loss, purified soluble dietary fibers, such as guar, psyllium, pectin, glucomannan, alginate, and beta-glucan help normalize blood glucose levels.

Chromium picolinate, an essential trace element, is required for normal carbohydrate metabolism. It improves insulin binding by increasing the number of insulin binding receptors and insulin sensitivity. Chromium picolinate also reduces appetite, inhibits fat synthesis thereby decreasing weight yet maintaining muscle mass. Chromium reduces insulin resistance, which in turn decreases the storage of adipose (fatty) tissue and increases its metabolism.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid essential for energy production and for fat metabolism. Its function is to transport fat from fat cells to muscle cells where the fat can be burned as a source of fuel. L-Carnitine also aids in the oxidation of long chain fatty acids, a process that takes place inside of mitochondria that produce energy. Supplementing your diet with L-Carnitine increases maximal aerobic power and promotes glycogen-sparing during physical activity.

Pyruvate is a natural end product of energy metabolism and can help promote fat loss. Supplementing with pyruvate provides cholesterol-lowering effects, and energy performance-enhancing benefits as well. In the chain of chemical reactions involving the conversion of carbohydrate to energy is the creation of ATP. Sugar or glucose is metabolized in the production process, converting to pyruvic acid, which is then broken down for energy production. If oxygen stores are low the cell converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid, leading to muscle fatigue. Pyruvate supplementation increases glucose thereby increasing endurance. The glucose must be replenished by stored energy, glycogen, thus leading to weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia is an ingredient found in Indian curry. Taken as a supplement, Garcinia cambogia blocks fat production by inhibiting the enzyme, ATP-citrate lyase, which is involved in the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. Garcinia cambogia also suppresses the appetite by increasing the production of glycogen, which in turn signals the brain to stop eating. In addition, Garcinia cambogia enhances fat burning by interfering with malonyl CoA, an enzyme involved in fat synthesis.

If you try these natural supplements and still do not have any luck losing weight, a detoxification is probably in order. You can find out more here http://www.choosing-alternative-medicines.com/DETOXIFICATION.html about detoxification. Chances are your liver and other organs are not functioning at healthy levels to eliminate stored toxins and fat from your body, resulting in slowed metabolism. Enough cannot be said about the importance of avoiding a sedentary life-style when trying to lose weight. You have got to exercise, even if it is just a little bit! Park farther away in parking lots, forcing yourself to walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Think about the food you are eating, every bite, and chew slowly and thoroughly. Avoid eating while standing up or while engaging in other activities such as work, television, etc. Last but by no means least, your diet needs to become a gradual lifestyle change, not a get thin quick scheme, as fad diets and products only lead to regaining the weight you may have lost in the beginning. This is actually harder on your body than if you had never dieted to begin with.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Foster graduated from an accredited naturopathic medical university in 2000. Dr. Foster has been successfully treating all kinds of disease and ailments through the use of natural means over the last eleven years. Dr. Foster uses a combination of botanical medicine, nutrition, vitamins, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, to name a few, specifically geared toward each individual patient and their particular circumstances.
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