High blood pressure is also called hypertension and abbreviated at HBP. Over 70 million American have this condition, which can lead to serious health issues such as strokes, kidney failure, heart disease and death. HBP can be an inherited disease, with some people more prone to the condition because of genetics. Those who are prone to HBP need to start making lifestyle and diet changes early in life, to prevent the damaging effects of this condition from destroying blood vessels. High blood pressure is a serious medical condition and consultation with a doctor is recommended before adding any new dietary regimes.

Dark chocolate can lower blood pressure. Many research studies for the last 50 years have continued to point out the health benefits of chocolate. Dark chocolate is also an antioxidant. The darker the chocolate, the healthier it is for you. Low sugar or sugar-free types of chocolate are also available and they add the health benefits of chocolate while reducing the health damaging effects of white sugar.

Bananas have been shown to lower blood pressure. They contain potassium. The suggested amount of potassium intake per day for people with HBP is about five thousand milligrams, according to the American Heart Association.

Decrease the Intake of Salt
Salt increases blood pressure and those with high blood pressure are advised to reduce their salt intake. Canned foods can contain high amounts of salt, so read labels and purchase products labeled “low sodium.” Sodium and potassium work together in the body, so increasing potassium intake is another way to lower salt.

Adding fiber to the diet can help reduce blood pressure, reports the American Heart Association. Fiber is easy to add to the diet with the addition of oatmeal, whole grain bread and vegetables. Baked apples, or applesauce, and baked potatoes are other good sources of fiber as well. Psyllium and chia seeds are other good sources of fiber.

Exercise has been shown to reduce high blood pressure. Low cardio exercise, such as a gentle walk for 10 minutes a day, can greatly help lower blood pressure. The important thing is to establish a daily habit, even if it is of short duration. Stress is another cause of raised blood pressure. Meditation and breathing exercises can help reduce stress and therefore decrease the cause of high blood pressure. Relaxation exercises can be found on audio tapes, online, and in books.

Author's Bio: 

Melanie Grimes, RSHom, (NA), CCH eeaches homeopathy at Bastyr University, The Seattle School of Homeopathy, and the American Medical College of Homeopathy and serves on their Research Committee. A writer and medical editor, she edited The American Homeopath for 12 years and now edits Simillimum, Journal of the HANP. She created the first online interactive course in homeopathy, "Homeotalk", and lectures internationally.