Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term used for several diseases of the lungs, referring primarily to emphysema, chronic obstructive bronchitis, and asthmatic bronchitis. Basically COPD refers to a respiratory disease in which the airways are narrowed and filled with mucus, obstructing the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
COPD is a major cause of death and disability. Prognosis is related to the rate of expiratory slowing. In the past men were much more afflicted than women, however, when women began smoking the incidence of COPD increased in the female population. Symptoms of COPD present as "smoker's cough" preceding the onset of the disease, gradually progressing to exertional dyspnea. Later signs and symptoms of COPD present as a barrel chest, use of accessory muscles for breathing, pursed-lip breathing, cyanosis and afflicted individuals resting their chin on their hands when sitting, often leading to calloused elbows. A prominent sign of potential lung problems including COPD is clubbed and enlarged fingernails, with the nails covering the normally visible skin on the sides and tips of the fingers.

COPD management guidelines are directed at relieving the symptoms, managing complications, and slowing the progression of the disease. Individuals who repeatedly use forceful lungpower, such as wind instrument players and glass blowers, have an increased risk of developing COPD. The management of COPD may include medications, bronchodilators and inhalers; however, these are known to have serious side effects. Controlling the production of mucus and sputum is extremely important when treating COPD, as excess buildup can lead to infection. Avoid fried, greasy, and fatty foods as well as dairy products and sugar, as these increase the production of mucus. Try and eat foods rich in vitamins A and E, such as garlic, onions, leeks, grapes, turnips, pineapple, green leafy vegetables, and carrots. In addition, food allergies should be identified and treated in anyone suffering from COPD.

With regard to natural treatments, take a good antioxidant combination formula that provides 10,000 iu of vitamin A, 15,000 iu of beta-carotene, 3,000 mg of vitamin C, 1,500 mg of bioflavanoids and 200 mcg of selenium daily. Antioxidants fight free radicals. Numerous studies have confirmed that free radical damage is a primary problem in COPD. L-Glutathione is an excellent COPD natural treatment as it is the most efficient free radical scavenger in the airways. Unfortunately, L-Glutathione is not particularly well absorbed when taken orally, however, when inhaled; L-Glutathione's effects on COPD are fantastic. It is best inhaled with the use of a nebulizer at least two times a day, with treatments lasting five to ten minutes.

Another COPD natural treatment is Ginseng, which acts as a whole body tonic, helping to relieve shortness of breath and ease stress. Cordyceps and co-enzyme Q10 increase oxygen supply to the body, enhance immunity and act as antioxidants, making them two of the most important natural supplements in the treatment of COPD.

The COPD management guidelines given above have shown great promise in those suffering from any chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A program of simple, starting out slow and gradually increasing exercises, has proven helpful in many cases. Swimming, bicycling and yoga help open the lungs. However, it is wise to seek out and work closely with a pulmonary specialist before embarking on an exercise program or engaging in any COPD natural treatment. If you would like to learn more on natural remedies for COPD go to

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Foster graduated from an accredited naturopathic medical university in 2000. Dr. Foster has been successfully treating disease, ailments and conditions through the use of botanical medicine, vitamins, nutrition, homeopathy, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for over eleven years. Dr. Foster believes her patients are unique in their own body physiology and should be treated as such. What works for one individual may not necessarily work for another. It is a fact that when the human body becomes out of balance, it leads to "dis-ease." We also know the human body has the innate ability to heal itself if provided with the right environment and nutrients.
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