Fibromyalgia comes with many symptoms, including pain and fatigue. When these symptoms interfere with daily life, fibromyalgia becomes debilitating. Thankfully, there are treatment options that can ease pain and decrease fatigue.

Getting the Care You Need

Finding a physician experienced in fibromyalgia care is often the first line of defense. Many doctors can treat fibromyalgia, including general practitioners, physiatrists, rheumatologists, and physical and occupational therapists. The important thing is to find a doctor who addresses your treatment needs.

Taking all medication is also important. Many fibromyalgia patients stop taking their regular medications out of forgetfulness, carelessness, or frustration, notes WebMD. Medications are provided for symptom relief, and alternatives may be available if side effects become a problem.

Other treatments, such as massage therapy and acupuncture, also provide benefits for fibromyalgia patients.

Exercise Therapy

Though fibromyalgia symptoms might dissuade some patients from exercising, WebMD notes that exercise has a positive impact on fibromyalgia symptoms, easing fatigue and pain. Exercises that increase strength, stamina, and flexibility are especially beneficial. Walking, swimming, and stretching provide big benefits without high-impact, making them the perfect exercises for fibromyalgia relief.

Balance exercises are helpful if fibromyalgia is causing an unsteadiness in the gait. If traditional exercise routines are problematic, physical therapy can be employed to gain the flexibility and balance needed to make exercising safe. Practiced correctly, an exercise routine can drastically improve quality of life.

Conserve Energy

It may seem counterintuitive, but an exercise program actually helps avoid feelings of fatigue. It increases alertness, boosts both physical and mental stamina, and brightens perspective. Exercise also aids sleep.

As many people with fibromyalgia know, their symptoms can interfere with a good night’s rest. In addition to exercise, practicing good sleep habits such as going to bed and waking at the same time every day goes a long way toward increasing energy levels. A bath at night before bed also promotes quality sleep and reduces fibromyalgia symptoms.

Properly pacing all aspects of life, including work, household chores, and social activities, helps keep energy levels higher. Stress relief also contributes to higher energy and better life quality. Taking a more “go with the flow” approach to life helps keep anxiety levels low. A good diet also helps keep energy levels stable. Avoiding too much sugar, caffeine, and alcohol also helps energy levels remain constant.

If You Cannot Work, Apply for Social Security Disability

Sometimes fibromyalgia means you can’t work. Workplace demands are often inflexible. Symptoms can lead to days where performing once-routine tasks becomes impossible. If this happens to you, it is crucial to seek legal advice from an experienced social security disability advocate. According to the Law Offices of Goldberg & Ibarra, your attorney should help you through the entire process, from application to hearings and appeals.

Fibromyalgia is a difficult disease but treatment greatly improves outcomes. If it is preventing you from working, you may be eligible for social security disability.

Author's Bio: 

Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.