Chances are if you live in or nearby Scottsdale, AZ you have either heard about or seen The New Church of Phoenix.

Just in case you haven’t, they are located at 561 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254.

In a similar manner, you might also find yourself wondering what The New Church of Phoenix is all about.

That’s why you will be glad to know that the New Church of Phoenix is based on “a new Christianity”, which teaches that there is one God who we know as the Lord God Jesus Christ.

What’s more, they believe that God created the universe and everything in it for a truly loving purpose,

As a matter of fact, the New Church of Phoenix wants you to understand that religion is to be lived, not just believed.

At the same time, the New Church is based on the teachings of the Bible as illustrated by Emanuel Swedenborg who was an eighteenth century theologian and scientist.

Basically, Swedenborg provided an explanation of the Bible’s internal meaning, in addition to shedding light on why we are really here and how to develop a functional relationship with God.

Now keep in mind, the teachings of the New Church of Phoenix are very practical as well as deeply spiritual. And the important thing is they provide you with answers to many questions about God, love, life after death, and so much more in a way that makes sense.

If you’re like anyone else who is looking for a fresh perspective for your spiritual life then the New Church of Phoenix is definetely something to consider.

And as your view on your spiritual life continues to expand you might also want to consider the practices of yoga and meditation to help assist you in gaining a deeper and more meaningful connection with the Spirit of God that resides within you.

Believe it or not, the more you find yourself meditating and practicing yoga on the mat, the more often you will find yourself onnecting with the one source of all creation which truly is the Spirit of God that is within you.

In the end, while you are strongly thinking about joining the New Church of Phoenix to help assist you in developing a functional relationship with God.

In a similar manner, you can also begin or continue to explore the practice of Yoga and Meditation as it will help you create and make life-supporting decisions that ultimately lead you to the most happiness which ultimately is maintaining a functional relationship with God.

Author's Bio: 

Thaddeus Ferguson is just a guy who happens to enjoy Yoga and Meditation because it has helped him experience a functional relationship with God that has led to an extraordinary transformation in his life.

More than that he wants more and more people to experience the benefits of Yoga and Meditation for themselves, especially if they are interested in developing a deeper and more fulfilling spiritual life.

Discover many of the Benefits of Meditation Now!

In addition, feel free to explore the practice of Yoga Nidra which is a guided meditation techinque that helps realign your body and mind to your true nature.