The phone stopped ringing for most notary loan signing jobs. Sure you have me. With new rules, it will take time for the housing industry to return, and probably never on the number of loans made in the past. That's the bad new. The good news is that many notaries are letting their notary commission expire, thus reducing the number of notaries looking for work. That is the good news. Now is the time to start or renew business and training plans to get ready for phones to start ringing again. Only this time, it can increase the chances that your phone rings more than the other notary.

There is a story about two campers sleeping in a tent and a big bear comes towards them. One of the campers bent down to put on his shoes. "You can't escape a bear!" Said one of the campers. The other replied, "I don't have to, I just have to escape from you." For people who want a low-cost home-based business, it's time to put your shoes on. Many people think that working at home is not a business. Business practices for a notary working from home and General Motors are basically the same. Just as General Motors can't wait for the phone to ring, neither can the Notary. So how can you make the phone ring? I have taught hundreds of notary students in California, those who succeed have all of the following in common.

invest in your business and yourself
To start any business, you must have some money to invest. Fortunately, Mobile Notaries companies require very little money to start.

You must qualify to be a notary public. Depending on which state you live in, that could be anywhere from a few dollars to $ 2-300. See below for the requirements to become a Notary Public in your State.
You need to get training in loan signing. There are many places where you can get this training. I recommend that you find a place that can offer training, marketing help, lists of loan companies, and support when you get a difficult task. If you want to be a full service Notary, you need a full service provider of everything you will need.
The Notary Public business is one of the few places where experience does not matter. The new person and the 20-year veteran have the same standard for loan signing. 100% New types cannot be "Notarized". What makes the new kid different from the experienced one is the ability to make your phone ring.

Since a start time is required if you are starting from scratch, now is the best time to start a mobile notary business in your area. For some, the business of being a notary can be overwhelming. That's good, it keeps competition low. Marketing, accounting, website, supplies, business cards and stationery, email yada yada yada. You need a place that has everything for your support. This is my recommendation for you to come to all your mobile notary and support needs of a full-service public notary company.

Author's Bio: 

Since a start time is required if you are starting from scratch, now is the best time to start a mobile notary business in your area.