Octal Calculator
Octal Values Calculator
Octal is a Latin term that stands for eight. An octal numeral system uses eight digits to represent information i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. While the number after 8 is 11 and 18 is 30 and so on. In computer programming and computer engineering, the octal numeral system is used on a very wide scale because it is short to represent information.
Base 7 is septenary base while base 8 is an octal base. Base 9 is a nonary base while base 10 is utilized by the decimal numeral system to represent values. If we come to octal to decimal conversion, then the octal value of 23 is 19, 24 is 20 and so on. The octal to the decimal value of 100 is 64. (Source: Rapid Tables).
The Octal numeral system has wide use in programming. It is used in the operating system of UNIX, Linux and Android to represent values. On the other hand, it is also widely used in UNIX based system to grant file permissions based on the role of the users.
How to convert octal values?
Let’s take the number (40)8 and we want to convert it into octal. The conversion is very simple as mentioned below.
(40)8= (4x81+x0x80) =32x1=32.
By following the above-mentioned calculation, you can easily convert octal values. However the manual process is very time consuming and often involves an error in order to make the process easier ECalculators.co (ecalculator.co/calc/octal-calculator") has introduced a tool that will make the octal conversion very easier.
Besides, you can also try the tool of Rapid Tables if you are not feasible with the results of ECalculator.co. Using ECalculators.co you can also perform different mathematical operations on octal values.
However, all octal converters have one main purpose to convert octal values with great precision and accuracy that add value to users.
We have guided yon on manual as well as the automated process of converting octal values. However, it is recommended to try the automated process as it involves fewer errors.
Asad Shehzad writes SEO articles for online business marketers and SEO tools users to make their Google rankings surge. His articles have appeared in a number of websites i.e., eLearning Industry, Calculators.tech and Inside Tech Box. He contributes articles about digital marketing, SEO techniques and tech regularly to Prepostseo.com
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