Online marketing is all about your brand and the way it is recognized by your target audience. There is one main objective you want to accomplish when you market on the web, and that is to get people to talk about you. If you have not become a part of their online conversations, then this is one good place you ought to begin. Here are five things you can do to promote your website:
1. Throw out prizes! Who does not like a freebie? Or a simple contest? The easier the mechanics, the faster your site will grow. Some things you can add to the game are social media tactics that help redirect traffic to your site.
2. Facebook ads. There is a new strategy on the web and it is called Facebook advertising. Instead of fighting for a prime spot on Google search, Facebook makes it easier for you and your website to gain the promotion that it needs by directing your ads to the target market you wish to attract. It is a great way to get people talking and of course to share!
3. Join the conversation. The wonders of micro blogging take you a level higher as you join your market in dialogue. You might have to start slow and really chat them up a bit more, but soon you will be following the right people as well as convincing them to follow you. Voila! You will be promoting your website in no time!
4. Offline paraphernalia. Ever notice how many Facebook likes you can come across in a day? The like button has become such a highly recognized logo that everybody wants to have a piece of it. By adding your brand and website to offline paraphernalia, you help establish bring recognition and enhance their curiosity to come and check out your page.
5. Good old SEO. There’s still nothing that can compare to good old SEO (Search Engine Optimization)! You want to promote yourself, then you need to be using the right keywords (meta keywords) and Meta tags to have you pop up on the search engine. Use your words wisely!
Matt Hallaran is the founder of Sidekiiks Incorporated a BPO Company. Sidekiiks is an offshore outsourcing company that specializes in providing a wide range of business solutions such as Call Center Services, Executive Virtual Assistant & Online Marketing Management for lead generation to entrepreneurs and SME’s.
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