Here are just four of the many Law of Attraction techniques I used to win the Ultimate Job competition. They are really easy and practical things that you can do for your own audacious goal.

Build your network before you need them

I'm an excellent networker, so I already had a good sized social media network by actively connecting with like minded people and building relationships with them. I was very active about commenting and encouraging other people. This seems like a huge investment in time, but really it was a matter of checking my accounts for a couple of minutes every hour.

I didn't ask much of my network while I was building it, but when I needed them to help me win challenges set by the Ultimate Job bosses, they were there and willing to help. People connected me with celebrities, told their own network about the competition, voted for me and encouraged me the whole way.

Using our network's connections for a Celebrity Challenge, we got support from British pop band Scouting for Girls, legendary Manchester United players Dennis Irwin and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, celebrity gossip columist Elaine "Lainey" Lui and New York Times Bestselling author and famous blogger Tim Ferriss.

Daily Gratitude

The Universe loves an "attitude of gratitude" because positivity attracts even more positivity (and the opposite is true too, so watch your negative thoughts). Appreciation for where you are opens up even more opportunity.

Even if we didn't win the competition, we had plenty to appreciate in our lives. As went went to bed each night, we both had to say five things we were grateful for, even if we didn't feel like it.

We drifted off each night in a feeling of bliss, already feeling like the luckiest people in the world. We were getting ready to receive even more in our life (and boy, were things about to get good!).

Get ready for it

The Universe loves action that moves you closer to your goal, especially if you start to act "as if" your goal is already yours. Forward motion begins a life of its own and before you know it momentum starts to build, but you've got to take a small step to spark it off.

We did as many practical things as possible to tell the Universe we were ready. There was a very short amount of time between the final and the first trip, so we started preparing "just in case" we won. We wanted to show the Universe that we were ready.

First, we scheduled the trip into our diaries. It's a small thing, but it made it real for me, and also showed up practical problems I needed to take care of when we won. For example, the job clashed with a wedding. Was I prepared to miss it?

Let me share the most serious and practical action we took, that I'll guess none of the other contestants were brave (or arrogant) enough to do. Before we even got into the Top 10, we started the process to rent out our London apartment. Ten days wouldn't be enough to find tenants and if (when) we won, it would be too stressful with everything else to do.

We decluttered our house, did a video house tour and paid extra to advertise it on a popular rental website. After some effort, we found tenants pretty quickly, agreed in principle but delayed signing the contract and banking the deposit cheque until after the competition final weekend.

Was there risk involved in going ahead like that? No - if we didn't win, we were fully prepared to move if necessary or we could tell the potential tenants that circumstances had changed. On the plus side, it was a real load off our minds. We went into the final competition with all of our mental baggage worked out. We were mentally and emotionally ready to pack up our lives and we did the action to prove it.

Be positive and never let it go

I never entertained the thought that we wouldn't win. I visualised the moment when they would call our names. "Mark and Denise!", I would repeat to myself all throughout the day. It spurred me on to do actions that scared me, like cold-calling reporters to drum up publicity to impress the judges.

To remind myself to be positive, I wore my favourite necklace every day (and to the final). It's a silver disk with the word Yes on one side, and No on the other. Every day I looked at that necklace on the Yes side and said to myself "Yes, I'm ready".

I wore that necklace every day at the final weekend, in our interview with the judges and up on stage when they called our name.

"And the job goes to... Mark and Denise!"

Take some action today

No matter how small...

Write down your goals (even if you have NO idea of how to achieve them)
Build your network by just five people and start building some capital
Think of 5 things you're grateful for in your life and share the news
Take one action towards your dream (even just scheduling it in your diary)
Give yourself permission to say "yes" to your dream

Author's Bio: 

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a life coach and author of The Inspired Life Formula. She helps women develop the mindset to create the personal and profession life of their dreams.

Download a free copy of her guide "The 7 Fabulous Ways to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams" at