PDF is a two dimensional document that incorporates the data into a format which cannot be edited or maneuvered. In 1993, Adobe came up with this non-editable format with the aim to make it extremely convenient to share various documents across numerous computer operating systems, safely. It has great ability to keep your files secure from copying, editing and even printing of your documents. Since pdf is more secure, it has been able to gain a lot of popularity which is why a lot of people use it for the transfer of data. The most updated version has as well arrived which is capable at including three dimensional pictures or images.
The format is extensively brought into use by law firms. Even government institutions maintain their documentation in this format. For technical science, software manuals and computer hardware too this format is used or convert document to pdf to increase the protection level. All sensitive information could be transferred over the web without intimidating the safety of data. Copying, pasting, all could be prevented with the advanced features that are bundled in such tools or converters where documents in other formats could be converted. By enabling or with the activation of password protection feature, no one without the password would be able to access the content inside your files. Unauthorized people would not be able to tamper with the matter hence the data is completely secured. If there are graphical elements in your file, even those cannot be exported. Copying the file from the ‘TEMP’ folder is as well not possible. The author of the file as well could watermark all the printed pages. So it is quite clear that no sort of modification or editing can be done in such files without having the right ownership and access. It is not just the security feature that is impressive about this format but also the capability to hold on a good volume of data without consuming much space on your system. A user could relax and rely whilst sending information to a recipient on the other end.
Gracy Brett is the developer & publisher of powerful PDF to Word and Word to PDF conversion products. She is the frequent writer of supportive trade articles.
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