Does Pilates and Pregnancy Compliment Each Other?
Pilates and pregnancy are a great fit, as long as you are having a normal pregnancy and consult with your doctor first. One reason why pilates for pregnancy is a good idea is because the workout is designed to make your core stronger. Having good abdominal muscles,makes your back stronger and less likely to hurt. This form of exercise helps strengthen your abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles. All of which are important during labor and delivery. Exercise strengthens your body and helps get it ready for the labor and delivery.

Pilates Classes
Once you get your doctors approval for pregnancy pilates, you then should look for a class. It is important to find a small class where you can get a lot of one-on-one attention. Some areas have pre-natal classes available. If you can find one in your area, that would be wonderful. If not, look for a teacher that has experience with pregnant women and can give you the instruction that you will need. Once you have taken classes and are comfortable, you can search for DVD's that you can do at home if you would like.

Prenatal Pilates Exercises Change Each Trimester
Pilates exercises are easy to modify as your body changes. Your instructor will be able to help you with that,as you get larger and your center of balance changes. After your first trimester you will have to avoid any that have you on the floor on your back. The great thing about Pilates is that there are plenty of moves that you will still be able to do.

The Benefits of Pregnancy Pilates
When you are exercising during your pregnancy, remember that you are helping your baby also. Studies have shown that when a mother exercises, the baby benefits from increased blood flow, the babies also feel the vibrations, movements and sounds. This can make babies more advanced, developmentally, when they are compared to babies of Mother's who are not active.

Post Natal Pilates Advice
Once your baby is born, Pilates can still be a help to you. Many women have stated that Pilates helped them quickly regain the figure that they had before pregnancy. It's a great work out to help tighten everything back up again. Of course every Mom knows it doesn't happen overnight, but keep at it, and it will happen. Don't rush or be hard on yourself, you just brought a new person into the world, so give yourself a break. Keep working your Pilates routine and your abs, legs, and back, will get back into great shape.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Wehr has learned a lot about pregnancy pilates practices and how balance pilates can tone the body after pregnancy.