You may have already starting planning for your life with a certain ending in mind and you didn’t even realize it. If you start to think about it, this is an incredibly smart way to look to the future, by looking at the end first and then working your way backwards. Just as with any type of goal setting, you want to raise the bar to a certain level. Then you start working your way slowly toward the end goal until you achieve it or even surpass it. Because this is your destiny, then you are able to mold it any way that you would like.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan,
in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.” - Stephen A. Brennan

If you haven’t really started to look that much into the future, then you will want to start by thinking of what you would want the final picture to look like at the end. Take stock of some of the dreams that you have had in your mind and think of the things that you would like to say that you are proud of at the end. Do you have a specific person there with you that you are sharing your life with? Perhaps there is a certain career that you would like to be in or you would like to have traveled to a number of areas around the globe.

Plan your work and work your plan. - Jodi Nicholson

Let’s say you want to grow your wealth, start a new business, become the top salesperson in your company, get healthy and fit, or even write a book, then, you work backwards to figure out how to achieve that goal. Consider what you will need to do in order to achieve different milestones along the way to reach the ultimate goal? What are the landmarks? The same holds true for all your goals whether personal and professional, plan your life and live your plan.

If you have always been the kind of person who procrastinates, then you are going to have to get out of that pattern and take on a new mindset. In order to truly plan ahead, you need to make sure that you have the drive and determination to do so. When you do not have the proper amount of drive then you are going to sit in your current lifestyle and merely grow old. Possibly resulting in simply spinning your wheels in a dead end career that will only keep you down and hinder your dreaming process, preventing success. Stop watching the world pass you and your goals by. Make a plan, and act on it. If you need help, then working with a Success Coach can be a true ally.

As you move along toward your end goal, never be afraid to change it up if you feel the need to. There are many people who figure out part of the way towards their dreams that they are looking for another career or that they would even like to go for a completely different lifestyle. Follow your dreams, and work toward your end goal with backwards planning – it will make more sense as you go along and help to define a clear picture with items you need to do.

Author's Bio: 

Jodi Nicholson is an Inspirational Speaker, Consultant and Certified Master Coach. With her entrepreneurial spirit, Jodi specializes in Life & Business Coaching, Motivation and Success. She shares her passion for helping others in her private coaching practice, trainings and certification classes through the Success Coach Institute.