Planting roses is indeed one of the challenging parts to start with your rose garden. You have to consider some things like the depth of the holes you’re going to dig in and the fertilizer that you’ll be using to provide healthy soil for your plants. Primarily, location on where you will put your rose plants is the first thing that you have on your list. In choosing for the exact location for your rose plants you have to consider some things.

Rose plants should get enough sunlight for it to continually grow. Most of the species of rose should expose to undeviating unfiltered sunlight approximately 6 hours per day, even those species that perform well in shade should have almost the same amount of sunlight.

The soil on where you plan to put your roses should be healthy. Roses need nutritious soil because it is considered as hungry eaters. You have to test the soil first before planting your rose plant wherein it should not contains too much of neither sand nor clay. If you noticed that the soil clutches on to the mold and does not disintegrate easily it is in excess of clay. However, if it does not clutch on to the mold and disintegrates easily it is in excess of sand. The quality soil in where it is ideal to plant your rose plants is that when you notice that the soil clutches in your hand but disintegrate easily. It shouldn’t contain excessive limestone or chalk, nor too acidic.

Lastly, you have to consider the place where you are going to situate your rose plant. It should not be near to some other trees or other plants, for there is a tendency for the other plants and trees’ roots to extract soil nutrients and water that extend afar its drip line. Most likely, it will cause problems on your rose plant because it will not get the proper nourishment it requires. Some climbing rose and other shrubs prefer not to mix with other species of plants.

Having an idea on the perfect location on where to place your rose plants you can now start planning on how deep the hole that you’re going to dig. The hole should be somewhat larger than the pot of the plant. Another thing to consider is the depth of the hole that you’ll be digging in is the climate on the place you live. If you reside on the colder region, the roses should be planted somewhat deeper. Consulting rose experts on how deep the rose should be planted will be of great help. Though the depths of the plants may be differ, loosening of the bottom soil no matter how deep is it is advisable. Putting of compost is also encouraged to have healthy roots. The roots should be then slightly spread out when placing it inside the hole. Make sure that you have top off the hole around the plants’ roots. Before completely put the remaining inches of soil, be sure to water the roots. After that place the remaining soil and you can also sprinkle water on it.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a writer/researcher that has been written several articles on different topics such as health, family, hobbies, pets and animals. Read more about Rose Planting and learn more on The Ultimate Book of Roses.