Playing football in Canada, you do not receive the same level of coaching that players
do in the U.S., and are often left to fend for yourself when it comes to off-season training.
Over the years I have tried nearly every 'football specific' workout out there, and found
that none of them addressed all of the needs specific to the sport of football. However,
Coach Davies' program addresses all of these needs—speed, agility, strength, power and
general physical preparation—and puts them into a properly periodized and easy to follow
y e a r- round workout program. I have made incredible pro g ress over a short period of time
using his workouts, and wish that I had access to his guidance years ago."
—Scott Va s s, Simon Fraser University Clansmen Football.
"John's work is on the cutting edge; it always has been and always will be. He dares to
go where few will tread. He attacks athletic perf o rmance with a force firmly founded in
tradition as well as venturing into what some deem unconventional. In the end, the re s u l t s
speak for themselves. Wins, wins, and more wins. Little more need be said."
— Mike Ry a n, College and High School football coach, CA
"Coach Davies' concepts on training football players are the best that I have ever
e n c o u n t e red! His "renegade style" of training the football athlete is unique to any other
f o rm of training. It does not emphasize just one or two aspects of football such as weight
training and conditioning; it emphasizes all facets equally, which in turn creates a gre a t
player on the gridiron. Explosive strength, agility, quickness, flexibility, special aware n e s s ,
reaction time, conditioning and most import a n t l y, warrior attitude and mental & physical
toughness are all developed fully and given equal attention!"
— Derek Alford, Offensive Coord i n a t o r / Q u a rterbacks, Garland High School, TX.
"John Davies is the new wizard of innovation in sport-specific training. If you don't re a d
this book, then winning must not be very important to you."
—Arik Oro s z, Tr a i n e r, Minneapolis, MN
"Our players are in the best shape they've ever been in and they're able to keep up with
other teams who a year ago blew past them. The boys have a love/hate relationship with
the program. They believe in it and are willing to go through it, but they also admit that
it's the toughest thing they've ever done. They know it will make them better athletes as
well as people. If you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly. "
— Jabo Burg e s s, Coach, Easley High School Easley, SC
" Working with Coach Davies was been the most intense experience in both the training
and the results that I have had since starting training twenty years ago. I have become a
t rue "Renegade." I now prefer to train alone after the gym closes by myself, leaving my
training partners wondering what has caused my new found level of speed, strength and

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