A lot of focus has been solely placed upon children learning through games and activities. It is choosing the right ones, which are not just engaging and meaningful, but also appealing to the child of the right age group. That is the only way for a child to develop interest.

Games and learning through play provide children with a relaxed and enjoyable environment, where learning does not feel like a chore and is rather a natural process for the child. At the most formative years, playtime can be effectively used to learn the most basic skills, like motor skills, coordination, logical and critical thinking abilities, and so on. This is why it is crucial for guardians and parents at schools and homes to provide a healthy environment, where the child can actively learn from their environment and also through their interaction.

Ways to incorporate play-time learning

Learning while playing happens naturally, starting with the baby’s interaction with the parents and family members. The smiling, cooing, waving colorful toys and trying to put different objects to the mouth, to explore different textures, shapes, and colors, are all great ways that the baby can learn within the first six months.

By the age of three, parents should be providing ample unstructured, as well as structured playtime, crucial for healthy development. This is also the best time when the most basic versions of the STEM kits can be introduced for an engaging and enjoyable time. The best example of STEM kits for toddlers are building blocks, which aids cognitive developments from a young age for enhanced cognitive skills and also for promoting interest in STEM learning and activities for their benefits.

Building block play teaches a child to match colors, counting, and sorting; blocks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which enable the child to understand the various combinations that can create a whole picture. It can indirectly improve and teach vocabulary and basic math skills, such as counting, balancing and geometry.

Creative and imaginative play

Imaginative play is just as crucial, for the child as this allows them to learn through the environment. Imaginative play is mostly used by toddlers, to recreate situations and their daily environments, and is common for children no matter the environment to indulge in.

It encourages the child to explore through touch, sight, and sound, engaging the primary senses; in recent times, as more children have longer screen times, imaginative playtime has significantly reduced across the globe. Longer screen time feeds visual and auditory stimulations of which children are passive recipients. This can severely hamper the child’s kinesthetic learning, which utilizes gross and fine motor skills, improves cognitive abilities, and also allows them to communicate verbally or non-verbally, depending on the situation.

Creative playtime will include various toys, like dolls, animal figures, and puppets; and make-believe situations and role-playing are the most common ways that children imitate their environments and act out their daily lives in various ways, as with different situations.

The various types of plays should be incorporated in a healthy manner, which means that the toddler gets a little of all the essential stimulations required at a young age. The main types of play that lead to overall balanced and healthy learning environments are playing with toys and different objects like puzzle blocks and DIY projects for kids, which also develop abstract thinking and make use of their sensory-motor skills.

Outdoor play helps build awareness and aids spatial development, crucial for a healthy mind and body. Physical play, which can be indoors as well as outdoors, is usually in groups, with other children, developing their social and interpersonal skills apart from engaging creative and imaginative situations crucial for the developing minds.

Children require a balanced and open-minded environment, which encourages them to interact, play, create, and learn, simultaneously. Digital stimulation and learning are vital for a child. However, other types of play are crucial as well for the child.

Author's Bio: 

Rajat Sahoo, is a blogger and have years of experience of the domain. I love to read and write about latest and useful tips for kids, clothing, Fashion and lifestyle.