This act of giving to another person or charity can create a great deal of positive energy flowing into your life. It has been noted that the giver (and not the receiver) actually gets greater amounts of positive energy, which in turn, amplifies happiness and optimism.

That means that giving truly is better than receiving! Of course, you can only give what you already possess, but those things like your time, attention, thanks, and love are some of the most powerful and authentic gifts.

One thing to keep in mind regarding giving is to watch your intention or reason for giving. If you are giving primarily to receive or to “get something” in return, this can backfire. When you give you should never expect anything in return. Otherwise, this can create a negative intention, which attracts a negative flow of energy toward you. It’s not easy to let go of expectations, but its quickly apparent that giving without greed or negativity can have miraculous results. When you’re giving without expecting any particular outcome (or anything at all), you are opening yourself up to be surprised by the Universe.

Often, what happens is you give something (such as sending a thank you letter to a friend), only to get nothing back from that person. However, the next thing you know you’re receiving an unexpected thank you from a coworker—and this is beauty of receptivity thanks to your good vibes. The positive flow of energy is circulating, it just doesn’t always come the way you expect.

So, enjoy this treasure hunt of good intentions regarding giving—you never know what kinds of miracles could manifest!

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl has been a certified clinical counsellor for over 12 years. Her experience and education are in the areas of counselling, developmental disabilities, mental health and addictions. Cheryl also holds a specialized forensic certification in the areas of high risk sexual behaviours and anger management. In addition, Cheryl also has many years of experience and training as a Spiritual Coach, studying spiritual philosophies under the guidance of Buddhist Monks.

Cheryl uses a diverse repertoire of skills that enable her to guide individuals so that they can foster healthy, positive and sustainable change in their lives and foster the ideal vision of their existence.

Cheryl adds a component of spirituality to her practice in respect to positive and negative energy flow and how our thoughts, emotions, and actions relate to whether we manifest positive or negative influences in our lives. Using her spiritual philosophy for many years with successful results, Cheryl now incorporates this as well as other diverse spiritual aspects in her counselling to help people manifest their ideal lives.

Cheryl has also practices in the area of women's issues and what we can expect in our developing lifespan. Her outcomes have produced positive results, as well as sustainable change.

With two years of nursing, behaviour modification, augmentative communication (the study of non-verbal communication), and three years of pharmacology education, Cheryl is proficient in related areas of overall health and wellbeing.

As well as counselling and coaching, Cheryl also conducts workshops and seminars pertaining to elements of behavioural change as well as motivational speaking.

You can contact Cheryl at or 416-919-9831