There are several pregnancy symptoms before missed period that women may experience. In most instances, it is challenging for women to establish the fact that they are pregnant prior to the absence of their menstrual cycle. However, there are several subtle signs that could indicate that you have conceived. There are several pregnancy symptoms before missed period that may be experienced. While it is true that most women suspect the fact that they have conceived immediately after missing their period, it is important to understand that there are several signs that may become evident prior to this milestone. By recognizing these signs, you will be able to start the prenatal care that you require for a healthy pregnancy sooner - reducing potential complications that may occur to you or your child.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #1
Nausea is considered to be one of the most common pregnancy symptoms before missed period. This is a feeling that will cause you to feel as if you are sick and typically involves the stomach. When you experience nausea, you will often feel a sensation that will make you feel as if you will vomit. This may occur as early as one week after conceiving. While many refer to this and the possible vomiting that may occur as "Morning Sickness", it is important to understand that it may occur at any time during the day or the night. This is one of the most distinct pregnancy symptoms before missed period because of the fact that the hormones in the body are drastically increased immediately after conception.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #2
Urination Frequency
The next of the most common pregnancy symptoms before missed period is urination frequency. This stems from the fact that, immediately after conception, the uterus starts to expand in size. This is a process that permits room for the unborn child to grow. Because of the fact that the uterus is expanding, pressure is placed on the bladder. Naturally, this pressure increases the need for the female to urinate.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #3
Enhanced Ability to Smell
If you are pregnant and have not yet noticed that you have missed your period, you may find that you have an enhanced ability to pick up on certain smells. Many women experience this sensitivity. Medical professionals feel as if it is due to the fact that there is an increased level of estrogen throughout the body. Certain aromas such as those associated with perfumes, foods, cleaning supplies, grass and detergents may actually turn your stomach. These smells have the capability of actually causing you to vomit if you are pregnant. This symptom may or may not be accompanied by an elevated temperature.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #4
Implantation Bleeding
When you become pregnant, the egg that has been fertilized begins the implantation process in the uterus. This could happen as early as three days after conception, or as late as six days after conception. When it occurs, many women will notice spotting. The bleeding is typically described as red or pink, and only occurs in small amounts.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #5
Lower Abdominal Cramps
When implantation bleeding occurs in the earliest days of pregnancy, it may be accompanied by cramping in the lower abdominal region. For women that do not experience bleeding as a result of the fertilized egg implanting itself in the uterus, cramping may still be experienced.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #6
Breast Changes
Many changes will start to occur with the breasts in the early days and weeks of pregnancy. These changes are a direct result of hormonal changes. The breasts may feel different and visibly appear different. It is common for sensitivity, increased size and the appearance of veins to become apparent. This is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms before missed period because the body is preparing for the process of breastfeeding the anticipated infant.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #7
Food Cravings or Lack Thereof
Women that become pregnant may discover that they want certain foods, or that they suddenly lack interest in consuming foods that they once enjoyed. In some instances, a female may desire foods that are acidic in nature. In other instances, they may have a strong desire for foods that contain a lot of sugar. In many cases, a female may have a strong desire certain foods such as eggs, chicken, and other items. These cravings and lack thereof are all part of the hormonal changes occurring in the body.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #8
Dizziness or Fainting
Dizziness or fainting are considered common pregnancy symptoms before missed period. For many women, staying in one position could cause these symptoms to occur. It has been discovered that the uterus places a high amount of pressure on the arteries that are in the legs. As a result, these symptoms may occur. In addition to this, not eating enough or even skipping meals could result in low glucose levels in the body. Since glucose is the main nutritional source for the unborn child, it deprives the body of this substance, which could also result in exhaustion.

Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period #9
Heartburn & Constipation
Many women experience heartburn because there is more gastric acid being pushed into the esophagus. In addition to this, pregnancy causes the digestion speed to decrease dramatically.

As you can see, there are many common pregnancy symptoms before missed period that may be experienced. While it is true that most women do not even suspect that they may be pregnant until they have missed one to two periods, there are some that have the capability to tell even before this. If you start to feel a bit different and can pinpoint no other cause, you should consider taking a pregnancy test. By knowing the common pregnancy symptoms before missed period, you will be able to tell whether or not this is a possibility. If the test confirms pregnancy, get medical care as soon as possible.

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