Many people are aware that there are certain principles to follow during exercise. Consistency, dedication, pushing yourself, proper form, etc. are all things people say are the basics of effective workouts. But you say “I’m doing this and it’s just not working!” As your workouts continue to see no visible effects, you start getting frustrated and then eventually you quit for a while. This sound familiar?

It’s not necessary.

Designing and implementing an effective workout program is not as easy as buying a series of videos and following them through. However successful you’ve been at any of these programs, I would encourage you to look at the following information and use it to ascertain if anything should be changed in your current programs.

There are five basics to any effective exercise program. Following the five basic principles of exercise will guarantee that you see results. I’m not saying you will see 50 pounds lost in the first week, or that you’ll be able to bench press 450 your first week, however following these principles will consistently improve your goals. What is sad about these principles is that as easy as they are, a multitude of people do not apply them to their health and fitness.

So what are the five basic principles? They are:

• Overload
• Progression
• Specificity
• Individuality
• Reversibility

Let’s go over each of these principles separately


Overload is a simple concept. You MUST exercise at a rate/duration that is greater than what you do in your everyday movements. You would not expect to see any success from walking up 3 steps or lifting a coffee cup. Likewise, lifting or cardio-respiratory exercise should be done at a weight/speed/distance that is greater than your everyday activities. If you are not pushing yourself past your point of comfort, then you will not see any effects. The amount of effect that you see from your exercises is directly related to this principle. A word of warning, this does not mean you should go out and lift twice what you regularly lift on the first day, but you should push yourself. You know when you’re giving an effort and when you’re cheating yourself.


Progression applies with overload. If you only lift 50 pounds, every day, and you do that for your exercise every day you will not see any effect after a point. Same if you only run a mile every day. If you do not progress with increasing your distance running, your speed at which you run, or your weight that you lift, then you’re limiting the effectiveness to the point of seeing no visible changes. At some point, you will plateau. The point of comfort changes as you become stronger in your exercises. As W.L Bateman said, “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.”


Specificity is very clear. Ever wonder why people big into exercise are so particular on the form? As a professor I know said, “You get what you train for.” If you are a runner, you’re not going to become effective at the bench press. If you’re into lifting weights, then without exercising your cardiorespiratory systems, you’ll be a horrible marathon runner. Every exercise you engage in trains specific muscles. And not only do exercises train specific muscles, but the motions that you go through affect your success. This is why proper form is so key to any weight training. This is also why sprinters and marathon runners do not necessarily have the skills in the other athlete’s skill. Proper form will target the muscles desired as well as avoid assisting during the exercise with other muscles. In layman’s terms, don’t do leg exercises if you’re wanting a bigger chest.


You’re unique in your abilities and where you are in life. It’s an awesome thing. However, this also makes it very important that any exercise program is tailored to your particular needs. I would not ask my wife to bench 12 reps of 225. I am sure there are many women and men that are capable of doing that weight. However, for her, that would be a ridiculous weight at her present fitness levels. In the same thought pattern, I would not expect any success if I were to go out and bench 135. That’s a ridiculous weight for me to be at in my present shape. Because each of us are at different levels, where we start our exercises, how many repetitions, how many sets, how far we run, how much of a duration we spend running, all these things need to be tailored to YOU and not to anyone else.


Arnold Schwartzenegger. The Oak. The most recognizable bodybuilder in history. The man was amazing in his 20’s. But what happened to him? Age? Perhaps. Stress? Maybe. Lack of time spent exercising? Definitely. Arnold found out one of the key things about exercise. If you stop working out, your body loses some of the ability to lift the same weight. If you don’t believe this, spend 2 weeks away from the gym and try to push yourself like you did when you were there. Skip running for 3-4 weeks and try to keep the same time as before. You might be able to do it, but I GUARANTEE it will be much harder than it was before you skipped. This is why people say you have to be consistent. If you aren’t consistent you lose out on some of the benefits.

This is not to say that you lose everything in the first two weeks, but our bodies are not static. Even during a plateau, we’re not dormant, but in equilibrium. If you don’t use your muscles, you’ll lose your muscles. So make sure that you stick to your program till you see your results and then DON’T QUIT!!! Maintain your body to keep at that same spot. It’s ok to be satisfied with yourself once you reach your goals, but you have to always be aware of reversibility. Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if you reach your goal, and then decide on a new goal!


All five of these principles work together to make up an effective workout program. We provide you with all the health articles and fitness equipment that will help you achieve your goals. I challenge you to look at what you’re doing right now and see if your workout/exercise program fits into these principles. If not, perhaps that could be why you’re not seeing the results you wish to see!

Author's Bio: 

Founder of Adnan specialises in Health & Fitness, Nutrition, and Sports Injuries.

Adnan has and still enjoys a varied sporting life, this includes football, basketball, swimming and also works out regularly in the gym.

When away from work he runs a successful football coaching program for the youths, devising and setting up drills and exercise programs.