QUOTE: “Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Mo-ney will give prosperity. This is fact…” – Anonymous
Even though I’m totally unplugged from what’s going on in the world, by choice, stuff is still trickling in. You see, I’ve made a conscious choice for years not to listen to the news, read the papers or listen to talk radio. It’s not just that I’m a very sensitive person and I react to negative stuff more deeply than others seem to, it’s that I don’t like what it does to my mindset. Somehow, I seem to focus on the bad news and then it affects everything else in my life. Some people have told me in the past years that my “unplugging” is foolish, that I’m missing out on what’s going on in the world, or that I’m naïve, thinking that if I don’t hear it, it doesn’t exist.
Well, in a way, that’s true for me. If I don’t know about it, then it can’t affect me. And so, while the rest of the world seems to be spiraling in a big mess of fear, worry and doubt, I’m oblivious to it, in a good way. Because my mind isn’t tainted with this “stuff”, I’m continuing to prosper, we continue to grow, and more abundance is flowing into my life in every area. And I wish more people would do what I do. Here’s why.
You have to understand that the news media is only interested in one thing, and one thing only: Advertising do11ars (I know, I used to work in advertising.) The more people are tuned in to their show or read their publication, the higher they can charge their advertisers. And to artificially grow the numbers, the media has to do ANYTHING it can to get your attention. And FEAR is the best way to get someone’s attention, and to get them to keep coming back for more, for “fear” of missing something important.
When you understand this, you get clear that there’s a lot of hype out there, and it’s all plugging in to what I call the “collective fear”. And when you’re in fear, you cannot be prosperous, no matter how much money you have. Why? Because prosperity is a state of mind. Let me say that again: When you’re in fear, you cannot be prosperous. Here’s something I read recently in a channeled text:
“Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Money will give prosperity. This is fact…”
Listen, I get that fear is a biggie. It’s easy to get sucked in. I know a few people right now who are gripped with fear. They’re holding on so tight to their mo-ney, that they’re “white-knuckling” it through life. They are absolutely miserable. And you know what? They actually have plenty of mo-ney in the bank! But because they have fear, it doesn’t matter. Because prosperity is a state of mind.
The key to attracting prosperity is to refuse to focus on things that cause you fear, and to eliminate fear from your life. Now, some clients say to me, “Fabienne, how can I *not* focus on fear. There is evidence all around me that things aren’t going well?” My answer to them is that you can CHOOSE not to struggle.
Look all around you. Nature doesn’t struggle. A blade of grass doesn’t struggle to grow. It just does. Instead of focusing on all the things that appear to be “going downhill”, shift your focus. Look at everything around you that IS going well. There’s a way that we, as humans, tend to focus on the 2% that’s NOT going well, as opposed to the 98% that IS going well in our lives. What are YOU focusing on?
The best way that I’ve found to get out of fear these days is to focus on the present moment. If I’m in a bad mood or noticing that the collective fear is leaking into my world, I stop everything and I tap into the present moment. However simple this may seem to you, it’s actually miraculous. I throw on a scarf, go down to the beach and take a walk along the water. I put my attention on the subtle scent of the sea air, I listen to the seagulls, I watch my footsteps in the sand. I stay totally present. Why?
Because you CANNOT be in fear AND in the present moment at the same time. It’s impossible. When you are in the present moment, you are in direct connection to Spirit or God or the Universe, whatever you choose to call it. And that is your direct pipeline to love. And love and fear cannot coexist. It’s a universal law.
What does this have to do with Client Attraction? EVERYTHING. Here’s why: If you’re gripped with fear, sitting at your desk, wondering where the clients are or why people are leaving, you are feeding yourself with this collective fear. That stops you from marketing and the energy that you DO put into your marketing when you actually do it is a negative energy. Which brings more of the lack into your life, which then repels prosperity.
Instead, focus on what’s going well. Be in gratitude for what you DO have. Take a break from work, walk away from your desk, tickle your kids, go walk the dog, focus on the air outside, whatever it takes to just take your focus OFF of the fear. When you do that, you will watch the fear literally disintegrate right in front of your eyes. Then, when you go back to work on your marketing, you’ll find yourself coming from a totally different perspective. Instead of coming from “lack”, you’ll be coming from “attraction”. And that’s when the clients come in. That’s when the mo-ney pours in.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time...guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD, visit www.ClientAttraction.com.
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