Developers who are knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to their coding always have a spot in the programming market. These developers are most sought-after by businesses because they know what they are doing and understand the challenges businesses do face when seeking software and app development services. If you are a newbie developer or you have some coding skills and knowledge and want to expand your software developer expertise, you need to find ways in which you can outsmart your fellow developers and excel in app and software development.

So, what does it take for an elite developer to climb up the ladder and separate themselves from the rest of the developers?

1. Stop Pigeonholing at Coding Languages

While you may specialize in one programming language like C++ or Java, you are better placed when you have knowledge of various languages. Instead of pigeonholing into just one single language, consider diversifying. Businesses may use different programs when building their apps and websites or software and they would want work with developers who have different skill-sets. The technological landscape in our modern world requires that professionals are flexible. Even when you want to specialize in a particular language, you will most likely need to obtain knowledge on a few languages, especially those that work closely together or those that compete in the industry. You don’t want to lose projects just because you lack the developer skill of a specific common or emerging and growing language.

Besides, when you have knowledge on just a single programming language, you never know what may happen in the future. There could be a competition that wipes out the popularity of the language compelling you to down your tools and seek other ways of earning a living. The technological world is changing fast and today, new languages are being introduced, existing ones are being improved, and some are fading away because there are no further improvements being done on them. A developer who is knowledgeable in Java and C++ or JavaScript can also learn Python, Ruby, PHP, and C# (C- Sharp).

2. Learn the Basics

There is a difference between learning how to code and learning a coding language – you should distinguish the two. A great developer needs to be able to pinpoint problems and identify smart solutions. When a developer, for example, is talking about an algorithm, he or she should be able to explain it in a simple way.

When you have the basics in programming, you can diagram a problem in a coding environment. You are also smart in that you anticipate problems and when they come your way, you are able to troubleshoot them and find solutions fast.

If you’re a software developer India professional, you need to understand languages, frameworks, and programming technologies, and coding tools in order to ensure that you are able to unravel a problem in an abstract. When you hone basic programming skills, you can easily identify commonalities. Take for example - when you as a developer, you understand JavaScript and PHP are object-oriented languages employing first-class functions, it makes it easier for you to learn one coding language after another.

3. Learn Underlying Language, Not just the Framework

Regardless of their popularity, frameworks are mainly temporal for example Ruby on Rails. Today, White Rails may be preferred by many developers, it may be simple to learn compared to Sinatra and Volt since developers use it while expediting large web apps. It may also save time while delivering adequately. However, that’s just a framework – with a lot of demand. Very soon its popularity may end.

If you take time to learn Ruby and other underlying coding languages, they provide you with an opportunity to pivot between different frameworks including Xamarin, Firebase, Cordova, Apache Spark, Spring Security 5, jQuery, Apache Hadoop, Bootstrap, React, Spring Boot, Angular 8, and Node.js.

4. Consider Different Tiers

Do developers still need to become full-stack software developers? The Heroku and Elastic Beanstalk from Amazon have created a ubiquity although both serve as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) products. This sends a message to developers that a clear distinction between client-side and server-side is still inherent.

Developers who specialize in software development may not handle projects related to provisioning capacity within a new server because that is something that may be expedited using an automated process via the use of cloud services. However, if a developer is familiar with some cloud services, he or she is better placed.

So developers need not pin their downfalls on the use of Platform-as-a-Service because that excuse of not understanding the fundamentals of OS kernel won’t do them any good. An automated program can break, and so a developer with the knowledge of the cloud services can come in handy in handling a task that involves PaaS.

Also, if there is an anomaly occurring within the automated process, at least there will be a need for a developer with the right skills to fix that shortcoming when it comes. This can only work in your favor if you have knowledge of cloud services as a developer.

5. Live with the Technology Trends

When you choose a particular area of expertise in development, it is like betting on where technology is moving. Today, technology is changing fast, and that’s being seen within the programming and framework spheres. A person who intended to become a mainframe developer about 10 years may have been shortsighted because they probably did bet right on the direction technology was taking.

As a developer, you need to analyze the direction where technology is pointing. Today, there are programs and frameworks that are highly sought-after for example, Swift and Ruby. However, as new apps continue to come up, there may be changes in direction for Swift and Ruby. They may be relegated to building apps in areas like mobile games.

6. Continue Practicing

You can say that you have become knowledgeable about everything in programming. But, there is always something new to learn in coding. It doesn’t matter how much you have learned, but learning by doing is what matters. You can learn a lot of things about a coding language, however, you may not have tested your skill. You need to put the skills into practice by building apps, mobile games, software, websites, and other development products. That’s when you can actually know what you’re good at using Python, Ruby, JavaScript, or C++. That’s also when you discover that you can really make strides with frameworks like Spring Security 5 or jQuery.

Practicing allows you perfect your coding skills because you can identify the areas where you are not doing the best. This way, you can seek to improve on the weak areas of your coding.

You also give yourself a test to see if you can handle larger, more complex projects. The worst thing you want to do is take up a web design project or app-building project, only to realize that it’s too demanding for your learned skills. However, when you have practiced what you learned, you know whether you can handle a particular project or not.

Always try to practice developing complex apps, websites, software, and other products so that you measure your level of creativity and ability to expedite larger, complex projects. It will also enable you to be a dedicated software developer who is on demand.

7. Use Tools Great Developers Use

There are many resources available to foster your understanding of coding. For example, there is the Codeacademy. However, the problem with some internet-based resources is that they may not teach you how to program in the real world. Therefore, you need to learn your coding using real tools. But this doesn’t imply physical real tools. It means tools that have the ability to impact on your programming knowledge and application of the knowledge.

There are online programs like Learn Verified that can help with learning different software tools. As a developer, when you visit the site, you can discover tools such as Git, Test-driven development, GitHub, working on your terminal, and Group projects. These are some of the tools you can take advantage of. When you add the tools in your training, it gives you an upper hand is progressing fast and applying your skill-sets.

8. Study the code of Other Developers

It’s imperative you learn the code of other people if you are going to succeed in coding. Read the code you find in repositories such as GitHub. The idea here is that you can get a wrong documentation or tutorial content about programming, however, you can’t get incorrect source code.

When you learn reading source code, it allows you to understand how it has been written as well as how it functions. You will also find that learning the code of other developers is important when you want to know much about debugging. This is because you will need to understand any erroneous code. If possible try creating the code yourself and understand its functionality. Taking a reverse-engineering approach to learn and write a given source code allows you to be able to eventually create your own.

9. Join a Programming or Coding Community

You need to find a coding community to help with your code learning experience. When you surround yourself with developers, you can easily seek their help when you find you’re stuck. They can come in handy in troubleshooting a problem you have faced when coding. They can also help inspire you to keep moving even when things don’t seem to be working. For example, when you fail to write code, that’s doesn’t mean you cannot do it. Probably, what you need is to get an experienced developer to kick-start the code writing for you by identifying where you got stuck.


When you focus on these coding aspects, you can have a great learning experience. You progress confidently each day and soon you find yourself building high-end apps and websites or programs. You also have your source code that newbie developers can use in their learning. Besides, you reposition yourself in the job market by identifying the direction programming languages or even frameworks and other coding technologies are taking. These are some of the things that businesses wanting to hire software developer teams should look at to established their credibility, expertise, and ability to deliver a flawless app product.

Author's Bio: 

I am Kuldeep Kundal, CMO at, a trademark of Cyber Infrastructure (P) Limited (CIS), India. Being inquisitive, I love to share my views on technology trends and management strategies. Since your website also holds the same interest in sharing knowledge on diverse fields, I would be highly obliged if you can publish my blogs on your website.