Cardiology is medical science dealing with the treatment and prevention of the disorders caused in heart due to inadequate balanced diet or malfunctioning of certain blood arteries that cause chest pain, or irregularities in the heart palpitation. Physicians who go through the deep and thorough study of this science are known as cardiologists. Heart disease may also be caused due to consumption of alcohol as it causes high blood pressure, strokes and cardiomyopathy.

Cardiologist in Delhi differentiates the heart disorders in the form of heart attacks, heart strokes, irregular heartbeats, pain in chest, high blood pressure and shortening of breath. These disorders cause discomfort in the body, pain in neck and jaw. People suffering from cardiac disorders may sometimes act casually to the symptoms as it takes a long gap between the symptoms and the identification of the heart disease.

Heart Specialist in Delhi considers that birth control pills also lead to heart strokes due to presence of estrogen and progestin in the pills. Stress is also the contributing risk factor for heart disorders. The stress raises the heart rate and blood pressure, thus, increasing the need of oxygen, which cause chest pain.

The heart is the central part of the body, a muscle that squeezes blood and works like a pump. Any disorder in the functioning of heart may even lead to the death of an individual, as the heart stop receiving the enough oxygen and nutrients from the blood it pumps. The typical symptoms of heart disorder includes the chest pain which differs in intensity and discomfort amongst the woman, elderly people and the diabetic patients. Shortness of breath is also the result of heart failure and coronary artery disease. The symptom is experienced by the people due to exertion or when lying flat on their backs.

The Cardiology Doctors in Delhi examines that cigarette is not only the root cause of lung cancer; it also leads to the risk of the heart disease. The choking caused due to the smoke tightens the arteries that might lead to heart attacks and strokes. Apart from nicotine, coal tar and carbon mono-oxide present in the cigarette also has a deadening impact upon the heart.

The risk of heart disorders may be cut down by adopting the smart lifestyle. The first and the very important method is changing the eating habits: controlling the cholesterol, diabetes, exercising regularly and quit smoking. Provide the heart with the best pack of nutrition through consumption of fruit, vegetables, fibers, fish, egg, low fat and dairy products, reducing intake of calories that enriches the body with the saturated fats and at last, limiting the salt intake.

Medical treatment for the heart disorders must be started immediately for which you may consult the Cardiology Doctors in Delhi. General treatment measures include oxygen through a face mask, nitroglycerin under the tongue, pain medicines and Aspirin. Cardiologist in Delhi provides you with all the medications necessary for getting the instant relief from the heart attacks.

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