Food is fuel. What we eat either builds the body up or tears it down.

Junk food does not meet all of the criteria mentioned for “real foods.” It would not be conducive to life, and would actually lead the body to a state of dis-ease. Junk food is found primarily in the inner sections of the grocery store rather than the perimeter, where living foods of fruits, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains are found.

Junk foods are missing some of the ingredients (not the whole package), thus the body must use its own reserve to complete the package and degeneration and disease results.
Junk foods have toxins in them that clog up the works and make the body less efficient. Our bodies have to use their own energy and nutrition to eliminate toxins from the body.

Other names of junk food include processed food, partial food, fragmented food, incomplete food. These refined or processed foods include both table sugar and refined white flour, or anything that includes these items in their ingredients.

Real food is compatible with the body. It does not take away from the body reserves, but adds nutrients to build up health and maintain life. It does not contain anything that is harmful, toxic, or non- usable by the body.

To qualify as a “Real Food” it must meet these three criteria:

* It is something edible–grown by nature–of the plant kingdom
* It can be eaten without processing in any way
* An entire meal of that one food can be eaten 
and enjoyed, and not be offensive to the taste buds.

Author's Bio: 

Smartt Nutrition is about more than making good decisions. Naturopathic Doctor Rachel Smartt believes strongly in encouraging people to realize their dreams. Physical, spiritual and nutritional health is key to living the dream.