Reconcile With Ex Boyfriend After Breakup; The mistake most women make after a breakup is telling your ex boyfriend how much you love him and want him back. This is understandable because that is the way you feel. However, trying to make your ex boyfriend feel sorry for you will not get him back in your arms. You have to do the things that will make your ex want you back and the best thing you can do is use male psychology.

You can use Psychological and Expert Tips to get your ex boyfriend back - directions on what to do to get effective expert relationship strategies to reconcile with your ex.

A complete solution to help you get your ex back into your life is provided at the end of this write-up (Author's Bio), meanwhile let's build the foundation.

If you think using male psychology sounds difficult, think of how you got your ex boyfriend to want you in the first place. Did you run after him telling him how much you loved him and couldn't live without him? Of course you didn't. You had too much pride to do that. What do you think his reaction would have been? He would have run from you as fast as he could.

But, what about now? Don't you still have that pride? Isn't he running from you now? That should tell you that you are doing something wrong. You might not have realized it but, when you attracted your ex at the beginning, you were using male psychology. He was attracted to you and you knew it. So, what did you do? You pretended not to be interested in him.

It's a game that girls seem to know by intuition. If you show too much interest in a guy, he will lose interest in you. The trick is to give him a little encouragement, and yet keep a little distance between the two of you. The more unattainable you seem to him, the more his desire for you will be. So, why do you do the opposite when he breaks up with you?

You will probably be told that it is because you allow your emotions to get the best of you and that's part of it. However, your ex is playing the same game with you that you played at the start. He is showing you he can live without you. As long as you play his game and beg him to want you again, he will keep rejecting you. So, you have to stop playing his game and make him play your game again.

A breakup does not necessarily mean your guy has stopped loving you, but if he has, you will not get him back by running after him. Which means you have to have the courage to find out if he still is in love with you. The best way to do that is to walk away and move on with your life. Male psychology will tell you that a man will always go after what he thinks he can't have.

By showing your ex that you can accept the breakup and live your life without him, you cause him to make a decision. He will either let you go, in which case you would not have got him back anyway. OR, he will see that he is close to losing you and he will begin chasing you again. From that point on you just do what you did when you first got your man and he will soon be back in your arms.
Even more effective expert relationship strategies to reconcile with your ex when you visit these links below (at the Authors Bio section).

Do you want your ex to come back to you? Discover all it takes to make your ex want you back by visiting this website: How To Get Your Ex Back

Author's Bio: 

Hi, I am Vanessa Moore, a relationship coach specializing in breakups and dating.

On my website you will find the complete guide to bring your ex back to you, here's the link again: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

Wish you godspeed...