Teenage is a beautiful stage of life where adolescents learn the hard and sweet lessons of life. It is that part of life when they learn the basic lessons of being responsible, being respectable and how to turn into an adult slowly and gradually. It is almost like the second last part of a cocoon’s growth stage where the shell is yet to be broke but exposed enough to known the outer world. As a result it is also the most dangerous period during which characters can be made or broken with relative ease. We hear daily stories of juvenile crimes and murders that make us wonder where the current generation of teens is heading.
An increasing number of school shootouts, coed killings, and minor rapes are pointing at the mental degradation of teens who could otherwise could be molded into ideal citizens. There are various reasons that lead to the teenage mental disorders. The prime cause could be the relationship with parents which is not proving them enough attention or care that they really require. Otherwise, failed relationships can also leave them scarred and mentally forlorn turning them into a ravage drive that causes personal hurt as well as to their near and dear ones. Teenage relationship problems can cause severe problems to studies and physical health. Many cases have been reported where teens have attempted suicide or inflicted personal injuries on self as a result of failure in relationships.
Teenage life is actually the formative years of an individual. With a little bit of care and love from near and dear ones teens can be molded into responsible adults who can achieve great success in all fields of life. Sometimes a little bit of teenage relationship advice goes a long way in improving the circumstances of a how person will become how they are. Relationship advice cannot be given by one and all. It requires special expertise and skill to understand the mental outlook of a teen and to guide them in the right path. Quite often wrong advice can even make situations worse and lead to disastrous results like depression and suicidal tendencies.
The Trivedi Foundation through its spiritual wellness programs have helped thousands of teens all over the world to cope up with their relationship problems. Their spiritual health and wellness programs are devised to strengthen the spiritual connection with the Universal Intelligence with which people become more proactive in their decision making. Further the application of Trivedi effect also leads to an elevation of optimism and good thoughts in the minds of teens who are able to take control of their emotions without getting lost in relationship issues. The Trivedi effect® employs bio field energy transmissions in which energy is transferred from one living organism to another to reduce the defects in the receiving organism. The effect has equal effect on both living and non-living organisms and has been shown to be of scientific authenticity by leading scientific research organisations all over the world.

Author's Bio: 

The author is associated with Trivedi Effect and has written many contents on disorders and science. He has written many blogs and articles on Relationship advice and other topics too.