Remember that living green is not just saving money on your every day living, it is combining the savings with planet friendly techniques like recycling plastics that will help keep our ocean clean and marine animals safe as well as the amount of natural resources at optimum levels. It is also about making "Greener" decisions to begin with, it is these decisions that help conservation make more of an impact.

There are many jobs to do, some can be accomplished by the average citizen and some by government but given the fact that in most of the world the people steer the government; it is really in all our hands. Take an oath to help your nation make wiser decisions when it comes to resources and do your part to save this precious gift, "Planet Earth."

Later in this series, I will explain in more detail how to achieve these simple and inexpensive changes that can save you thousands a year. I will get quite detailed at times, so hang in there, some folks need details and specifics.

If you are interested in saving the environment and saving money at the same time you are just who this article is looking for, let's take it easy and make it simple.

One of the biggest costs in a home is electricity and there are many inexpensive ways to alleviate most of this expense. Some of these methods are:

Turn Your Thermostat Up or Down: Air conditioners and heaters should be adjusted on a seasonal basis or whenever you feel they need to be, based on comfort. Open windows in summer and fall or as often as you can, it will save you a bundle.

Water Heater Waste: Fixed by simply lowering the thermostat to something that still achieves it's purpose without reaching scalding temperatures. Whenever possible, wash bigger loads and use eco-friendly soaps. Try drying you laundry outside on a clothes line, they will smell much better and you may be able to throw away the fabric softener. You could save hundreds a year.

Losing Energy Through Windows and Doors: Proper insulation is crucial to saving energy in your home, just take a candle and hold it near corners and around the rim of windows and doors, if you see the flame "tilt in" towards the window or door, air and energy is going out through that area. If it "tilts in" towards you, air is coming in, which may be just as bad.

Bring the Sun Inside: When possible, use southern facing windows to help heat your home in mornings and evenings, in winter and fall. (hint: clean windows and skylights, clean windows are more efficient at warming interior spaces)

Keep the Sun Outside: Install window treatment, tinting or window awnings to keep homes cool and comfortable in summertime. (hint: Lighter paint colors on the exterior of the home will help to ease high temperatures inside, as well as planting trees and high growing shrubbery near windows. Just be sure to leave the plant growth about a foot away from the building, in order to prevent root damage to the plumbing and the foundation of house).

Top it Off: Just like you lose most of your body warmth through your head, the same can be said about your home, in regards to your attic. Make sure it is properly vented and check for leaks in duct work and walls. The attic can have a chimney effect on your home, pulling air in from outside, through the base of your home and allowing it to escape out through the top (attic).

Plumbing: Conserve water by searching for leaks and focusing on especially, toilets, faucets and pipes (exterior and interior). Usually plumber's tape or inexpensive seals and washers can solve any of these problems.

Basements: When I worked on homes, I always took my breaks in the basement whenever I had use of one. Why? Because they are so comfortable and cool, the creaky loose floor boards just let the cool air flow from the house or apartment building like a cool water fall. But if it is your apartment or house, you are just paying through the nose to keep me and the spiders comfortable. Tighten the floor boards and caulk around the risers on the stairs (bottoms, tops and sides) around face plates, outlets and shoe molding on all floors.

Chimneys: These are massive hijackers of your energy dollars! Just close them when not in use. They throw very little energy even when being used and most of the warmth is taken out through the top while cold air is brought in to replace it (from any cracks you may have missed). My advice is to seal it up and decorate it with sweet smelling indoor plants.

Following just these suggestions can prevent thousands of dollars from flying out of your pockets this year.

Author's Bio: 

Kendrick Moss has written frequently on pregnancy and parenting issues, and is a mom of three (including one set of twins). She is an open-minded free spirit, always ready for new adventures. Faith, family and finances are the core of her value system.