Benefits of Palm jaggery
Buy Palm jaggery online:
It is available in our websites like Even though nutritional content is far greater than all other commercially available sweeteners; confirm the product quality before buying them online.
Palm Jaggery coffee is very tasty to drink.
Aids in digestion & reduces constipation
Natural sweetner & good source of nutrients.
Provides energy over an extended period of time.
Cleans respiratory tracts, lungs, food pipe, stomach & intestine.
Palm jaggery with water has cooling effect on body during summer.
Palm sugar is rich in calcium, iron and other useful vitamins and minerals. One of the tastiest and healthy products. It is used in the preparation of sweet dishes. It may be used sufficiently by people who suffer from diabetes. It is used as a substitute of sugar in the preparation of coffee, tea etc... Panagam or juice is prepared by adding black pepper and palm jaggery, to a glass of water. Sometimes a pinch of cardamom (elachi) is also added to get a good flavor and taste. In the South district region, most of the time it is given to women who give birth to a child. If the mixture of powdered palm jaggery and black jeera are given to such women, then impurities in the breast milk would disappear and baby gets the white and clean milk during breast feeding. Even in the case of milking cows, the same thing is repeated after it gives birth to a calf.
Treats anemia, purifies blood, prevents and cures pimples & acne, makes skin and hair healthy. Relieves premenstrual symptoms, cures muscle soreness, pain and cramps. Useful to prevent pregnancy anemia. Has cleansing action in the body, reduces water retention in the body as it neutralizes excess salt intake in diet. Relaxes blood vessels and maintains blood pressure, Relaxes muscles and nerves aids in relieving migraine headaches. Acts as antioxidant scavenges free radicals. Cleans the respiratory tract of dust and pollutants, reduces respiratory distress of asthma, bronchitis etc.
Easy steps for making jaggery coffee
1. Half jaggery
2. Water(180 ml)
3. 2 tnspn Coffee powder (narasus coffee)
Take a pan first heat water then broke jaggery for easy dissolved in water leave for 2min then add coffee powder(2 tnspn), boli for 4min. And take from stove leave for 10 min. This turn just like black coffee, this black coffee also taste to drink. And also add milk to this
COFFEE is ready….:)
Note: Don’t add BRU coffee powder and don’t mix hot milk with hot black coffee..
Cough Mix some black pepper in jaggery. Take 1 tsp with warm water.
Menstrual Disorders Eat 1 tsp jaggery powder daily.
Tension Headache Add 6 grams powdered sesame seeds to 10 grams jaggery and add 2-3 drops of milk to make a paste. Apply on the forehead.
Tiredness Eat 1 tsp jaggery 3 times a day. Fatigue due to hard physical labor, exercise and sport can be relieved with this.
Weakness Eat 1 tsp jaggery twice a day
Asthma/Dry Cough Mix 15 gms jaggery and 15 ml mustard oil. And lick this mixture.

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It is available in our websites like Even though nutritional content is far greater than all other commercially available sweeteners; confirm the product quality before buying them online.