Many times when learning hypnosis, a student is first directed to try self-hypnosis, this gives them time to learn while practising on their own without any outside pressure. This can help to ease any tension or relieve any stress you may have about trying these techniques for the first time.

Once you learn these techniques they can become a daily activity that can help you relieve the stress of your day to day activities, handle pressure at work and even help you deal with personal relationships.

A Professional Hypnotist teaching you the required techniques can make the whole process sound very easy, and for some of us it can be that way, but finding a quiet place where you can totally relax and shut yourself away from the rest of the world for a few minutes can sometimes be a lot harder than it sounds.

Sometimes, just being still and quiet is something we have to learn, so you need to find a quiet room, maybe at night when everyone is asleep, or maybe a part of the house that is away from the noise, I have even sat reclined in my car in a quiet street before.

You can also help to set the mood with some quiet relaxing music or Binaural Frequency Harmonics, dim the lights down, find a position that you can fully relax in without having to think about it, if music is too invasive play some sounds of nature or water sounds, these are a great relaxer.

Aromatherapy oils and certain other soothing smells can help you to relax, and a soft comfortable area with cushions or blankets can also help.

There are certain narratives that you can learn that will induce you into a hypnotic state, and help you relax mentally and spiritually. You can record your own, but if like me you are not keen on hearing your own voice it is better to get a CD or DVD with someone else's voice instead, so you are not distracted.

I use self-hypnosis, and the results have been good, and even somewhat spectacular on occasions, hypnosis has definitely helped me in many areas of my life. One technique I would like to share with you that may sound crazy to a person not in a hypnotic state, but one that works for me is as follows:

I have taught myself to get rid of stressful thoughts like someone at work giving me a hard time, I just picture the person standing there moaning, and I take them from wherever I feel them and shrink them down very small, I then put them on my shoulder, and then down to the end of my thumb. I give them a ridiculous Mickey Mouse voice and ears, and while they are ranting on they just sit there so small and stupid that I do not care.

This may sound silly at first but try it, I do it in all sorts of situations and it lifts stress from me almost every time I do it.

Author's Bio: 

John Osgood is a hypnosis enthusiast who runs the website

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