I will never forget Sarita. I met her when she was more than 100 years old, and she was completely lucid. She is what is commonly known as a healer. Sarita told me that many years ago she worked for the Federal government in the U.S. when she didn't yet have immigration papers.
One day she arrived at work and found a piece of paper saying, "There are undocumented people working in this office." She immediately felt identified and thought, "They're talking about me," so she spoke to her boss and confessed her situation. The boss was shocked. In disbelief, he said, "You don't have papers?!" At that time, employers weren't required by law to ask for immigration documents.
Sarita told me she used to have conversations with God, and God would ask her, "Do you trust me?" And she would respond, "Yes, but I don't have my papers." And God would again inquire, "Do you trust me?" And she would respond, "Yes, but I don't have papers." Then she told me, "Now I have my papers, and God got them for me."
This is a good example of how sometimes it may be difficult to avoid anxiety and concern, but we must trust in our hearts and know that things will work themselves out. Perhaps they won't be solved when or the way we want them to be solved, but they will get worked out at the perfect and correct moment, in the perfect way. We don't know when that will be, but there's a part inside of us that does know. That part is only waiting for us to give it permission to act.
In Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono, we allow this part of us to solve our problems. In difficult situations, it often helps to mentally repeat the words "Thank You." When we feel concerned, anxious or fearful, we must simply repeat, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." It's very important to know that everything in life is a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like one.
How can we know if staying in this country is the right thing for us? If things do not happen the way we expect, maybe there is something better waiting for us. All we need to do is give permission to receive guidance. In this way, we attract to our life only what is perfect and correct for us. Again, remember, we do not know what that is.
When we repeat the words "thank you," we accept 100% of the responsibility and acknowledge that something inside of us is attracting specific situations to our life. By doing this, we "let go" of the problem and become observant, thus ceasing to be part of the problem. We accept that things are the way they are for a reason, and realize they are in fact perfect, although they may not seem to be, and we may not understand them.
The flow of life will take us to the right place at the perfect time, if we allow it.
Mabel Katz shows you how to use Ho'oponopono to live the life of your dreams. To attract love, wealth, and happiness in an easy way. Trained by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len for the last 12 years, Mabel has helped thousands of people, just like you, all over the world. Mabel has worked with businesses, just like yours, in becoming more productive, effective, and prosperous by using Ho'oponopono. She, an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, offers you lectures, workshops and teleclasses. She's a trainer, TV show host, consultant, and author of the book, "The Easiest Way." For her outstanding work, Mabel has received national honors and recognition.
You'll find her articles, newsletters, videos, and more on the web at http://www.hooponoponoway.com
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