Source:- Littlefishesswimschool

It’s not been very long since your little bundle of joy arrived.

Congratulations to you! However, it is true that the first month is no less than a bit of a haze for you. To take and understand the responsibilities of an ideal parent needs time. The entire routine of feeding, changing diapers, sleeping etc. can be exhausting. Still, you must cope up with every change your newborn has brought in your life with a smiling face. C'mon! that's your baby and it's worth it.

Isn't it?

It is also important to ensure our kid grows with a sound body and brain. Be involved with your child in different activities like a family game, reading books, coloring etc. If you do so, you’ll raise a psychologically and physically developed person.

In fact, there are several sensory activities for the newborn child during the first month which are very crucial. These tried and tested activities are really beneficial for the proper growth of your darling.

Some significant activities are mentioned below:

Cuddle with Your Baby:

Source:- Aapkisaheli

Cuddling with your baby is no less than a bliss!


Who doesn’t like to hold a little one in their arms and shower with a lot of kisses? It will not only let the beautiful bond between you and your child grow but also have many other benefits. If you cuddle with your baby, it will boost up his/her psychological development.

Also, babies who are blessed with more cuddling can sleep better. Further, they can manage stress easily and have good autonomic functions like heart rate and body temperature. When both parents shower the baby with hugs and cuddles, the baby feels secure and happy. It also increases the family bond

Talk to your Little Darling:

This is what will act as the foundation of language development in your kid. Just make sure that you’re talking to him/her clearly. Whatever you might be planning to talk to him, make it very clear to avoid any further interference in speech development of your child.

Whether it is about anything that is around, a lullaby, or a story, everything will be helpful. Also, you shouldn’t hesitate to use a high-pitched voice while talking to your baby. The newborn must get drawn to you. Moreover, avoid mispronunciation.

Face to Face Moments:

Research has already proven that infants love to look at human faces. They enjoy moments when they look at open eyes and smiling faces. So, ensure to look at your baby and smile. Also, you can make funny faces to entertain him/her. Hence, it is smart to be creative and enjoy the adorable cues of your one or a couple of months old maybe.

Sing a Song to Your Newborn:

You can go for any song that you like. Whether it includes nursery rhymes or songs, everything is acceptable. You can sing a song while cuddling, walking, changing their diaper, giving your baby a bath and so on. Singing can be one of the easiest ways to soothe, entertain, and make that special relationship between you and your child bloom.

Give Your Kid a Tummy Time:

It is one of the most important activities for your baby. This activity can build coordination and leads to the strengthening of your baby’s neck, shoulder, arm, and trunk. In turn, these muscles can boost up baby’s motor skills such as rolling over, crawling, sitting up, pulling self up and so on.

Let Your Child Lay on Back:

To play with your baby when he/she is lying on their back is an important step. Newborn babies have no idea of where their arms and legs are. Hence, if you lay your child down on his/her back, he/she will get an opportunity to explore his/her hands and feet. This will directly help in the development of eye-hand and eye-foot coordination. You can simply play with your baby’s hands and legs to encourage him/her.

Massage Your Baby’s Body:

Source:- Johnsonsbaby

It is one of the most amazing activities which has a variety of perks. There are various studies which have indicated that massaging your infant can let the bond between parents and baby develop like never before.

Also, proper massaging can help the baby sleep well at night while developing their main body systems which include the respiratory system, circulatory system, skeletal system and so on. Moreover, massaging your baby can act as a pain relief for him/her.

Aren’t these activities easy? These activities can build a strong foundation for your child’s growth and development. However, remember, each baby has their own pace for development. If you feel that your baby is not responding to any of these activities, you can try them a few weeks later. There is no need to panick.

Author's Bio: 

Lyla Morris is an Editor at . She loves to write about Parenting and Health Care tips also.