Are your goals SMART goals?

I mean to say are your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based? If not, then you may not get very far in what you set out to do today, this week or this month.

SMART goals are the 'what?', 'why?' and 'when?' of goal setting. That is, what do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? And when do you want to achieve it by?

And if you don't put your goals in such a framework you really are likely to forget your goals (eventually) and replace them, instead, with a new set of goals. After all writing down new goals, whilst useful, is far easier than taking action with old ones that have yet to be completed.

So let's look at a smart goal example, shall we, to make our goal setting easier...

MY SMART GOAL EXAMPLE: Write 7 self-help articles in 7 weeks and promote them on Topics include fear of failure, fear of public speaking, fear of success, overcoming fear, setting personal goals and (of course!) smart goals.

Is this goal Specific?
Yes, I think it is: 7 articles in 7 weeks.

Is this goal Measurable?
Yes, simply visit my EzineArticles page by the end of September (2009) and you'll see my 7 articles ( )

Is this goal Attainable?
It should be. If I write the articles efficiently, and all at the same time, then I should be able to upload them onto Ezine Articles 2 per week once finished.

Is this goal Relevant?
Yes. These articles sum up the new pages added to the website, as well as help promote them to a wider audience.

So, why this goal?
I want to share information on important self-help issues with others! I want to promote my website, too.

Is this goal Timely?
Yes. It's got to be done by end of September, and I more or less started writing the self-help articles mid-August.


So, back to you. Your goal, today, is to do the following:

1) Remember that SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely

2) Think of something you'd like to do by the end of the month

3) Write your goal down as a SMART goal (knowing *why* you want to achieve this goal) and make sure you take steps every day/week to achieve it

Simple, eh!

Oh, and if you could memorise this inspirational quote by Denis Waitely that would help too!

"Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now."
-- Denis Waitley

Good luck.

Author's Bio: 

Steve M Nash believes that you are your own self help guru. And that's why he created - to let you help yourself, and help others too. You'll find the subject of goal setting, there, as well as 'SMART goals' -

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