Nothing compares to the thrill and anticipation that always comes with a first date. Just the thought of meeting someone new and spending a fabulous time together can send delicious shivers down one’s spine—and of course there’s always the possibility of getting frisky that could end the night in bed.

Having sex on the first date is not an unusual phenomenon, probably because of the heavy emphasis that is placed on it by many people. However, not everyone is keen to the idea, and so a lot of people always debate about this issue. Is it right to have sex on the first date? Should two people engage in sexual intercourse even if they have only met two hours ago? Actually, there is no question of whether it is right or wrong.

These burning questions are better answered when considered on a case-to-case basis, since it is often a value judgment which mirrors the double standards that society has with regards to sex, particularly with women. Sadly, the gender difference that usually dictates the situation is not even taken into account. Sex on the first date has both advantages and disadvantages.Read this and make a more conscientious and educated decision should this particular situation ever comes up.

For women, there are many advantages for first date sex, one of which is to get a good feel of how a guy is in the sack. Most women take it as a prelude to something else—maybe to the possibility of a long-term relationship; but there are those who simply doesn’t want to go out with a guy who can’t bring the goods.

For these types of women, it is better to know early on if he is capable of performing well in bed than to wait until later in the relationship when it could be harder to end everything. Another reason a lot of women have for having sex on the first date is the instant “connection” that they sense with the guy—it feels like he is that special one, so why hold back in pleasing the person that could very well be the man of your dreams? If there’s a positive side to something, then there’s surely a negative side as well: one is the fear that once you give in, you will be regarded as “easy”.

Men have quite a different perspective on this issue —for most of them it is simply a sort of a release, and it may or may not lead to any kind of commitment. There are some who may lose respect for a woman after they get what they want; because they simply assume that it’s something that she usually does on every first date she goes to, regardless of who she goes out with.

There are others who are apprehensive about the morning after having sex—let’s face it: very few people look just as good in the morning as they did the night before. Another downside to this dilemma is when the guy may actually be worth it—it’s infinitely better to get to know him better first than to lay everything out on the table the first chance you got.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Ruth Purple, is a Relationship Expert who has been successfully coaching individuals and couples in their relationships. Get A Copy of her ebook on how to become the ultimate purpose of every man. Unlock your inner magnet in the dating field.