Ahhhhh, the season for happiness is here! It’s filled with joy and excitement for our family and kids, right?    The truth is, for many of us is a time filled with stress, worries, sadness, pressures purchases, travel, family...and the list goes on and on! 

This year, give yourself the gift of true holiday cheer and I will share with you how to have it!

When our world was created, we were given everything we need to survive - food, shelter and healing.  We have been blessed with beautiful flowers and plants bringing us beauty, scent and powerful health benefits!   I am going to share with you the powerful benefits of using flower remedies, given to us for their healing (not aromatherapy)  to keep you emotionally healthy and happy during this turbulent time, and throughout your lives as well!  Don’t let the name fool you!  Flower remedies will move you into emotional balance, alignment and keep you feeling positive, stress free, happy and in control.  Reverse the anxiety, depression, feeling stuck, worry and more that you did not come into this life with!

They may sound pansy (pun intended!), but their ability to aid us in handling life on life terms, and getting through one of our many traumas that we experience, is exactly what we are all looking for, isn’t it - handle the situation, and move on with a positive, confident outlook, and not pick up the generational struggles that lay dormant in our body waiting to attack.  I would bet there are others in your family who share the same challenges.  Use them for your children to motivate for homework, or to help get along with siblings (yes, its true!).   The level of comfort using flower remedies in your home with take you from anger and chaos to patience, movement and peace.  This is all about the ability to take control of your own life, have faith, and live life happy!  And I promise you - you can!

Every flower, every plant has a purpose.  You are probably familiar with its use in herbs for our physical health. Flower remedies are made from Plant Extracts, or Botanicals from around the world that have their own signature - their own healing power.  When we put them together based on your personal challenges - we are able to reverse the negative picked up from trauma and get you back to living your best life, your story.  You can purchase flower remedy extracts and create your own blend or find a certified Practitioner who will work with you to customize your family’s blend. You will notice changes to the positive usually within 30 days with the right choices!  I spend time traveling all over the world to find the best remedies to use for my clients and bring to you.  They are used throughout Europe and in the hospitals of  Brazil.    Are you ready to truly change your household.  Well, first - lets get through the holidays!  And here are remedies I recommend from Australian Bush (AB), Findhorn (F)  & Bach (B):


Stress/Overwhelm                           Daisy (F), Elm (B)                
Worry                                                  Crowea (AB),
Control of Spending                                    Cherry Plum (B), Wedding Bush(AB)     
Fears                                                  Dog Rose (AB), Mimulus (B)                    
Terror (traveling, etc)                       Rock Rose (B), Grey Spider Flower (AB)
Calm amidst Chaos                         Dog Rose of the Wild Forces (AB)
Sadness/Grief                                  Snowdrop (F), Bottlebrush (AB), Gentian/Mustard (b)
Intense Sadness/Hopelessness   Waratah (AB), Gorse (B), Wintergreen (F)
Anger                                                 Mountain Devil (AB), Willowherb (F)
Family Bonding                                Bush Gardenia (Ab), Cherry (F)
Family Resentment                         Daggar Hakea (AB)

To Get Started Right Away (especially for family gathering!)- here is what I suggest:

            *Find a health food store, Whole Foods or Wegmans
            *Find the Flower Remedies where supplements are and pick up
            *Elm - Stress/Overwhelm
            *Hopelessness - Gorse
            *Anger/Resentment (around family) - Willow
            *Fear of Losing Control (around family) - Cherry Plum
            *Confidence - Larch
            *Patience - Impatiens
            *Sadness - Mustard

Put 7 drops in liquid, or put on skin a few times daily. Don’t let your emotional challenges continue to get in the way of your holiday, or your journey.  You can live the life you want for yourself and your family.  If you are not living life happy, if you are wishing for something different - you are out of emotional balance - seek out your correct remedies, add a few drops to your liquid for a few weeks.  You will begin to smile, find your gratitude and  feel your successes!  If you are thinking about medication, but want to try another way first, here it is - delivered right to you!  You wont just help your sadness, or rid your anxiety - you will feel joy, anticipation and success as well! 

Cheers to a happy holiday and your new beginning!

Author's Bio: 

Amy D. Cohen, BFRP, is a Practitioner For Emotional Health, Naturally using plant botanicals to move us back into emotional balance, reverse negative emotions, thought patterns and behaviors. She specializes in anxiety, depression, and moving forward in life. She travels all over the world to find aand study with the most respected, top producers of Flower Remedies for our emotional health & wellness. Amy is a Certified Practitioner, accredited teacher, and speaker on taking control of our lives and living life happy! Amy also studied homeopathy with the NY School of Homeopathy affiliated with School of Homeopathy in England. She has since formulated an award winning, all natural body care line to calm the negative emotions and enhance positivity for us as well as our children! She maintains a consulting practice in New Jersey and does telephone and skype consultations worldwide. Her website is strongestminds.com. You can find her Emotional Health and Wellness Products at Sappyhappy.com She can be emailed at amycohen@strongestminds.com; or skype amy.c.50 or phone at 800-474-1667.

Visit her website at http://strongestminds.com