All of us know that we are supposed to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night but a lot of us don't. It's not necessarily because we aren't tired, but rather that we seem to be unable to go from being awake to being asleep or we suffer from broken sleeps. Sleep disorders are more common than you might think and they have the potential of causing significant health issues. In addition, treatments available for sleep disorders are scarce. This article will review the use of hypnosis to getter a better nights sleep.

While we are sleeping a lot a vital processes occur in our bodies. Important neurotransmitters are released and our body regenerates. Sleep disorders have been linked to anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia and obesity to mention a few, so the importance of getting the required hours should be unquestionable.

Most times when we can't sleep it is because our “mind-chatter” will not switch off. I'm sure you have all experienced the “mad monkey of the mind” a few times, but imagine having this happening to you every single night. This mind-chatter is our sub-conscious mind at work, the part of the brain we can't control consciously. It does not matter how much you know that you have to sleep and consciously try, the sub-conscious mind will keep going regardless.

Self hypnosis is a tool which will provide you with access to your own sub-conscious mind and through its use you will be able to explore any emotions, memories and experiences you may have or have had in the past that is making you incapable of sleeping. These emotions, memories and experiences are usually not readily available to you through conscious thought, but lies buried on a deeper level of your mind. During hypnosis you will stay alert, in control and completely aware of your surroundings

Self-hypnosis for sleep will allow you to release any built up muscle tension and achieve full relaxation. There are several different techniques involved such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization. When using self hypnosis to fall asleep you do not need to come out of the hypnotic trance, but may instead drift straight into sleep.

Author's Bio: 

Tim Hansen is a hypnosis expert. For more great information on sleeping better with hypnosis, visit