How many hours of sleep do you usually pack in a day? Is it tempting to pack more work in a day and skip few hours of sleep so that you ultimately have a productive day according to you? Well, it happens to most of us. The first thing that we compromise on is our sleep. We just tend to take it for granted. This is pretty surprising and shocking at the same time because extensive research and studies show that your mind, body and soul need at least 8 hours of sleep daily in order to be fresh, energetic and productive!
Mind usually has less time to shelve and sort through the day`s worries, frustration, anxieties etc. Usually in your dream state, when you are asleep, your mind has some time to sift through the anxieties, dreams, hopes, frustrations of your day and process all of them. If you do not give your mind those many hours of sleep, well, this important activity does not take place. This in turn, causes imbalance which in turn leads to stress. Lack of mental peace and rest means your mind does not have a chance to switch off. Your organs also need good 8 hours of rest so they can be fully functional and operate in a smooth way the next morning! Insufficient sleep tends to give a person a false sense of well being. Continuous sleep deprivation leads to mental fatigue and stress.
Proper sleep is essential to get rid of fatigue and stress in your life. Give your body, mind and soul to rejuvenate and recuperate from the day`s worries, anxieties etc. some tips to sleep fitfully and peacefully are:
• Eat a healthy diet
• Have an earl dinner. Do not lie down on your bed on a full stomach
• Try having a herbal tea like chamomile before going to bed
• Avoid exercising just before bed. It tends to make you wide awake
• Energy drinks like coffee stay in your system for nearly 24 hrs so avoid it few hours before bed
• Have a hot bath before you go to bed
• Try going to bed at the same time every day. Your body needs a schedule
• Sleep in a quiet room
• Avoid naps during the day because night sleep is the best sleep
No one can stress more on the importance of sleep but you, yourself! Make sure you catch up on your sleep every day. Do not keep it for the weekends! Your body does not understand the concept of week days and weekends. It understands everyday – 24/7 schedules. Respect it, follow it.
Break The Norms provides meditation classes, personal development and professional growth advice in New York. Join our customized programs for your personal transformation & professional growth. Meditate, discover, & transform into a new YOU!
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