Smartbleph blepharoplasty BodySculpt has been developed for optimal aesthetic results for your eyelids. The procedure ensures aesthetic eyelids, just the way you wanted them and without any serious health hazards. Smartbleph technique was developed by Dr Spero J Theodorou and Dr Christopher T Chia who employed their experience and skills in developing this unique, improved method of upper-upper eyelid rejuvenation.

Achieve Youthful and Vibrant Appearance

This form of eyelid surgery takes only 30 minutes to perform. The results are impressive and the treatment can be offered to suit your personal requirements and aesthetic desires. What you get is a youthful and vibrant appearance for your eyes resulting in an overall younger looking face that exceeds your expectations.

SmartBleph Blepharoplasty – Treatment Benefits

  • Creates a very dramatic effect by restoring a more youthful appearance
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Administration of local anesthesia
  • Relatively free from complications
  • Virtually painless

Sagging eyebrows, droopy eyelids and overhanging skin folds can also vanish in 30 minutes, since that’s all the time it takes to perform Smartbleph blepharoplasty. The reason for the simplicity and relative lack of complications is the precision of the technique ensured by the use of the Smart Skin laser from Cynosure that targets the area accurately, tightening the surrounding tissues and removing the excess skin from the eyelid.

The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, and the short duration of the treatment coupled with minimal discomfort ensures that patients can return to their normal routines much faster. The relatively lesser risk of complications means that there are generally no serious health risks with this procedure.

Author's Bio: 

Smartbleph Blepharoplasty - BodySCULPT is an acclaimed plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York City, dedicated to providing new and improved blepharoplasty technique for upper eyelid rejuvenation.