Now while I do want you to keep your comments and language online clean, that isn't what I mean here! I'm talking about keeping your followers, friends and connects on the various online networks clear of spammers, pornsters, and dead weight. So here are some quick tips in Twitter this week to keep it clean. In the coming weeks I'll address simple techniques to do the same for LinkedIN and Facebook.
Twitter is the easiest with the following sampling of tools: go check this out and follow the directions at the top to simply and quickly purge your list of followers from dead weight, Tweeps no longer Tweeting, Tweeps without a face (always suspect), Tweeps not following you (how dare they not follow you back, it's polite protocol on Twitter!), and others. The choice is yours, the process happens in minutes. this is also self explanatory and I opted for the proversion for less than $1 a month (yes, you did read that right, under $12/year). This keeps tabs on your followers and regularly purges spammers and pornsters from your following. It saves a lot of time and aggravation with blocking. you may need the back door for this (of course I know it!) This was a gift from a fellow Twitter giant back when I got started. It is only effective to under 10K followers but you can dump dead weight en masse (remember that 70% of those who climb on Twitter, fall off within 3 weeks, sad but true).
I prefer to keep my list of followers cleaned up because I am interested only in those who are going to be active, engaged, tuned in, and turned on. I certainly want to keep out the spammers and pornsters and blocking can be a full time job! Happy cleaning.
Do you have any tips for cleaning up your twitter followers list?
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