Let’s talk about Chi. Chi is the vital life energy that needs to be flowing smoothly and freely so that every aspect of our life will do the same. Proper Chi movement begins in the outside of the home. A well planned garden is where we invite positive energy to then move into the home. Feng Shui principles recommend the proper arrangement of elements in our environment to promote good health and prosperity. The 5 elements should be represented in a garden, and the items you choose should ultimately be pleasing to you. The components you choose need to make you feel happy and relaxed when you are near them. It is a good idea to use warm and cool colors when planting your garden, but put them in separate areas. Balance and diversity are key components to a feng-shui oriented garden. A mistake that is often made when trying to create a garden is to add too many plants. The garden looks sparse when it is first planted, because the plants are young. But if too many plants are put in, the garden becomes too full and unruly by the end of the summer. An untidy garden does not encourage positive flow of Chi.

The WOOD element represents the beginning of new life. Like the new garden being planted in the springtime. Bushy plants and shrubs are good examples because they retain and recirculate Chi and they recycle the air we breathe. Another wood item to include is a simple garden bench. Woody plants demonstrate modification and movement. The wood element is associated with blue-green on the color spectrum. Some ideas are:

Wintergreen Boxwood is a bushy shrub with blue green and dark green foliage. It grows 4-5 ft in height and 4-6 ft in width. It does well in zones 4-9.

Green Envy Coneflower grows to 30-36 in. tall and shoots up magenta colored flowers with green edges. It blooms from mid to late summer and is good for zones 4-9.

Dark Blue Scabiosa has beautiful royal blue flowers atop long, wiry stems. It blooms all summer long and grows to 24 in. tall. It does well in zones 4-8. Butterflies love this plant.

The FIRE element represents beauty and humor, energy and passion. Plants with red flowers are a wonderful representation of the fire element. A few suggestions:

Monarda Fireball is a red blooming perennial that grows upward to 15-20 inches. It grows well in zones 4-8 and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Red Penstemon is a perennial with red, tubular blooms that are evident from June through September. It grows 16-18 inches tall and thrives in zones 4-9. This plant attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Red Drift Rose is a 1-2 ft. mounding shrub. It blooms from spring to fall and has rich red flowers. It does well in zones 4-11 and attracts butterflies.

The EARTH element is associated with earth-toned or yellow blossoms, and represents stability and peace. Ideas include:

Rose Glow Barberry is a bushy shrub that has yellow blooms in the spring. The foliage is burgundy, pink and red. It grows 4-5 ft in height and has a 3-4 ft spread. It attracts birds and is suitable for zones 4-9.

Crimson Pygmy Barberry is a rounded shrub for zones 4-8. It has yellow flowers that bloom in the spring. The foliage is burgundy and red. It grows to 2-3 ft in height.

Stella de Oro Daylily has golden yellow blooms that grow 18-24 in. tall. It blooms all summer long and does well in zones 3-9.

The METAL element is often represented by plants with white or pastel blossoms. It encourages creativity, strength and resilience. Metal can also be the stand in a cascading solar fountain, or metal garden lights. Plants can include:

Echinacea, Pow Wow White- It has white blooms in the summer that grow well in zones 3-8. They reach 20-24 inches in height.

Shasta Daisy, Snow Lady- White blooms from spring through summer in zones 5-9. It reaches 18-24 inches in height.

Phlox, David- White blooms from summer to fall in zones 4-8. It reaches 36 inches in height.

The WATER element is associated with the color black. It is clear and flowing and gives life. The water element symbolizes power and wealth. Any size water feature will perfectly represent the water element. Water fountains come in many shapes, sizes, styles and finishes.

Solar fountains are perfect for the sun garden. Cascading style solar water fountains rest in a metal stand and are 4-tiered. They offer flexibility as far as where you can place them and have no operating costs. Birdbath solar fountains are especially attractive as birds prefer moving water, so they are more likely to visit your garden. Moving water also keeps Chi flowing smoothly. Even smaller solar water fountains, like a basin with a frog, koi, dove or fish spouting at the helm, will fit nicely into any sun garden. Solar-On-Demand fountains offer the perk of an attached back-up battery. Use your fountain during the day, powered by the sun, or allow the sun to charge the battery so that you can use the fountain in the evening. There are also solar fountains for the pond and pool. Plant ideas include:

Black Magic Elephant Ears- Produce glossy leaves up to 2 ft long with a deep purple color. The plant can reach 5 ft tall and blooms in the summer. It does well in zones 7-10.

Monch Summer Aster- Perennial daisy that produces soft purple flowers that grow to 28 inches tall. This plant blooms from June to September and does well in zones 5-8. This plant attracts butterflies.

Plant suggestions offered here are all for the sun garden. A solar fountain will easily integrate into a garden full of sun-loving blooms, and also represent the water element in a feng-shui garden.

Author's Bio: 

Celia Brown is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who primarily works with psychiatric patients in a hospital setting. She has a special interest in solar fountains and solar products for the home and garden. Please visit her website: http://www.AllSolarFountain.com to find out more about solar water fountains.