Starting a relationship is hard, even harder is nurturing it. So many things can go wrong and the relationship comes into a halt. Breaking up with someone you have shared so much with can be painful and distressing especially if you still love him or her. This is why you need to learn how to get your ex back.

One popular old adage states that you cannot appreciate the value of something until you lose it. This is very true with romantic relationships. Some people simply do not value their partners, but as soon as their partners decide to break it if off, they start missing them and wanting to have them back.

If you find yourself missing your ex too much, then you should consider getting her back. The question here is how can you get your ex back. To be honest, this is not an easy undertaking but with the right approach, it can happen faster than you can ever anticipate. In this article, you will learn some simple, practical and useful tips on how to get your ex back.

Control your feelings

“It is over between us” is the sound of doom. With this, the initial reaction is rage, anger and the “I don’t want to ever see you again” scream. While this can be painful, you must take control of your emotions so that they do not overwhelm you.

If you overreact, chances are your behavior will drift the relationship further and possibly kill any prospects of getting your ex back. Arrogance will do you no good either even if you believe it is not your fault. Remain cool, composed and calm as you ponder your next step.

Identify the root cause of the separation and address it

You cannot fight an enemy you do not know. This is also true with romantic relationships. Before you can set on the journey to mend the ribbon, you must first identify the underlying cause of the separation. The truth of the matter is that no relationship breaks just because love is no longer there. There has to be a cause whether trivial or grave.

Once you recognize the cause of your break-up, then you can make plans on how to start addressing the situation. Your ex should not know what you are doing. Let them learn on their own the efforts you are making to address the situation. If it is something that you used to do that caused tension in your relationship, make some self-adjustments.

Maintain communication

The fact that you no longer relate does not mean that you stop caring for him or her. The best way to show that you care about her is to call him or her inquiring how they are faring. In addition, you can send them short messages and emails on a regular basis.

One thing you must avoid is to appear desperate, bothersome and nagging. Do not call your ex now and then. Contacting your ex once or just twice everyday is enough. This will send them strong signals that you still care about them and keep you in their minds. If you do not want your calls to be rejected, do not bother your ex with endless calls.

Moreover, the content of your message, email or conversation also matter. Let your conversation tone be generalized, friendly and at times reconciliatory. Even if they do not respond in kind, maintain the conversation as tensionless as possible.

Avoid jealousy

Immediately you call it quits, you cease have the right to own your ex. Some little jealousy of course will exist especially if you still love him or her. The worst mistake is to allow your jealousy to take over your feelings because it can make reconciliation very difficult. Even if you see him or her flirting with someone else, do not reproach him or her.

On the other hand, showing absolutely no concern is also dangerous especially if you were the person who was responsible for the separation. He or she may conclude that you do not love them and that you are okay with the situation as it is. Just find the best way to express jealousy that will give your partner the confidence to believe there is still some hope.

Some people have been hoodwinked to believe that making your ex jealous will make them come back to you. I will tell you this is the worst mistake you can ever make. You will be driving the last nail on the coffin of your relationship. This is something you must avoid by all means if you succeed in winning back your ex.

Create a good image of yourself

To get your ex back sometimes may require that you make him or her fall in love with you over again. You can do this by self-improvement. You should utilize the period of separation to work out so that you can have the best image. If you wanted to lose some belly fat or some pounds then this is the time.

Involving yourself in extra curricular activities such as outdoor workouts can help you get healthier, fit and even more attractive such that when you ex sees you, he or she will become speechless and fall in love over again. In addition, this will help you kill the time and reduce the pressure associated with separation.

Patience pays

For people to overcome some feelings, they may require some time. This is not different for those in relationships. The emotions invested in relationships are always too deep and so people get seriously hurt when it ends. You need to give your ex enough time to sort their feelings out before you can make your move.

The above discussed tips on how to get your ex back can make it easy for you to regain your love in the shortest time possible. One thing you must know is that you cannot force something to happen when it is not meant to be. Weigh the situation and if, for one reason or another, the prospects of getting back with your ex are slim, make the right decision and move on.

Author's Bio: 

Hello everyone. I`m Jill Insley, 52 years old. My job is a psychotherapist who has been studying and practising Pathetism for decades. All these years, I focus on emotional psychology, I have been helped a lot of lovers got together again. If you always can not forget your ex,then here i give you all my experiences and skills of get him or her back. I will share my stories and give you some tips to get your ex back. I always thought Nothing in life is as good as the marriage of true minds between man And woman , but it requires great care to keep this tender alive .