With the marvels of modern medicine, you would think that there would be solutions to every dis-ease ailment that humans can contract, but there are not. I have been working with Reiki for over 24 years and have had a lot of situations with clients where Reiki was the only thing that resolved their issues.
There are so many mysterious illnesses that send many people to the doctors. They have their blood analyzed and undergo many tests, yet the medical experts cannot quite put their finger on what is going on in their patient’s body. Sound familiar?
I have worked with many clients who were in car accidents. The medical world was very good in repairing their broken bones or helping to heal their wounds. However, within a few weeks or a couple of months, the client is experiencing auto immune type symptoms. They have weakened muscles, firing nerves or irritable bowel issues or all of these. My latest client went through visits to the emergency room, lots of blood tests and nerve testing without a diagnosis. He felt as if the doctors thought it was all in his head. Many times with people who have been in accidents, their energy field is very fragmented and just needs to be put back together with Reiki. Also I find that they are still holding the emotional energy of the accident in their body as well and I use Karuna Reiki to release the energy blocks around the emotional issues surrounding the accident. After three sessions, my client who had this mysterious nerve pain and muscle weakness, was able to resume his normal life and go back to the gym feeling stronger without pain.
There are some medical issues where nerves are inflamed and cause many problems such as in Bell’s Palsy or Sciatic nerve pain. The medical world in most cases has the patient ride it out or take a drug that reduces the inflammation hoping it will reduce the time the person is experiencing the condition. Reiki brings balance by unblocking the backed up energy impacting the nerves and creates calm. My husband and I were asked to do Reiki on someone diagnosed with Bell ’s Palsy. She had been diagnosed three days earlier and could not move the one side of her face. The doctors did not offer any drugs and she was told that it could be one to three months before the condition would return to normal. She had a plane ticket for the next day and wanted to have more function in her face before going on the trip. We worked on her and within thirty minutes she could blink her eye and slightly move her mouth. We were all excited about what the Reiki energy did. The next morning, she had more movement. She was able to go on vacation. With further sessions upon her return, she was completely back to normal in less than three weeks.
Let’s look at eye issues. Once a patient is categorized as legally blind, the medical system does nothing more to work to restore a person’s vision. Reiki works very deeply on the energetic level and can unblock energy, restore diminished energy, and boost the energy to help any part of the body get a jump start on healing. I have found that if the eye has any eye sight at all, there is enough energy moving through the eye to be able to work with helping to restore balance and eyesight.
Many women are waiting later in life to start a family and a large percentage of women in their 30s or 40s seem to have problems getting pregnant. In some cases the doctors cannot even pinpoint why they are having fertility issues or label the situation as low hormones or a decline in egg production. They start them on hormones to prepare them to undergo IVF, a procedure that forces the ovaries to produce follicles that are then harvested, fertilized, and then placed back into the woman. This is very expensive and there is no guarantee it will work. With all of the cases I have worked on with Reiki, I see the how the energy in the reproductive center is out of balance and very well could be the cause for the fertility issues. Reiki can unblock the energy and restore the balance to a woman’s reproductive system. Reiki energy can also boost a woman’s energy if she is going through IUI or IVF. I am currently working with a woman who had been through two rounds of IVF with no luck. She had just turned 36. We began working in-between her second and third rounds. After the second Reiki session, she produced seven follicles. Her doctor was so excited. She is in the mist of the third IVF cycle and has asked for Reiki to support the entire process. We both are very hopeful for the success of this process.
There are so many other situations where the medical arena does not have all the answers. If they cannot find what is wrong from observing the person, through tests, or lab work, many times a person becomes a medical mystery, and they continue to suffer with whatever the ailments are or they are given drugs, which makes them feel even worse. The answer just might be Reiki because the issue just might be caused by an energy imbalance. The only thing that can restore an energetic imbalance is energy work. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy work!
Dawn Fleming, Energy Expert, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and Marconics Practitioner. She has been working in the field of energy medicine since 1989. Dawn has clients world-wide. She is the author of many books on Reiki. http://www.energytransformations.org
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