One of the first and one of the most valuable steps in obtaining my freedom was to stop watching the news on TV or listening to it on the radio.

It's amazing the speed at which you can begin to regain your power and mental freedom by not subscribing to the media. It helps you off the emotional seesaw the so called 'news' plays upon.

I'm certainly not advocating the ostrich syndrome here and I reckon I'm as well informed as most, but what I do avoid is negative input. Try this - stop watching or listening to the news and treat yourself to a newspaper once a week only, maybe on a Saturday or Sunday. If you need to know anything in the meantime, believe me, you'll get to hear about it.

You'll save heaps on newspapers and magazines, have plenty of time for more constructive things and relieve yourself of huge amounts of negative emotion.

Give yourself a two week holiday from the media and see just how refreshing it can be.

Author's Bio: 

Ian and Beverly Stewart offer a magical blend of metaphysics, common sense and fun. Both have owned and managed successful businesses and combine this experience with a life long interest in spiritual and personal growth to produce the Creating Freedom courses, workshops and seminars.
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