Have you ever experienced stomach pain after eating?

The other evening, my friend Anne and I ate dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant.

Our delicious meal consisted of several courses—there was the antipasto platter filled with a variety of deli meats, veggies, and cheeses; a caprese salad drizzled with flavorful balsamic vinegar; and a large gourmet pizza topped with bocconcini cheese balls, grilled zucchini, and eggplant.

Needless to say, the meal was to die for! I sampled a little of each food and Anne stuffed herself with everything.

Unfortunately, she ended up with a stomach pain after eating. In particular, she experienced cramping in her abdominal area—so much so that she couldn’t move for several minutes.

“I guess the food really was to die for,” she joked.

Causes of Stomach Pain after Eating
There can be multiple causes of stomach pain after eating. Some people are so used to binging through every meal that a stomachache almost becomes part of their daily lives. “It’s just a tummy ache,” you might say.

Yes, the little “tummy ache” could be attributed to eating too much or too fast, but it could also be a sign of a more serious health problem. Let’s take a look at the possible causes of stomach pain after eating:

1. Overeating: Stomach pain can result when you consume your food too fast. When you overeat, you might not take the time to chew through your food properly and you might notice that the food generally disappears from your plate very quickly.

2. Food intolerances: It is estimated that up to 20% of the population is intolerant or sensitive to certain foods. Stomach pain and cramping are common symptoms of food intolerances or sensitivities, which are often associated with dairy, gluten, nuts, yeast, and tomatoes.

3. Food allergies: Dairy products, nuts, eggs, peanut butter, soy, corn, wheat, and gluten are common food allergies that can cause symptoms such as stomach pain. A food elimination diet or an allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody test can be conducted to determine whether you are allergic to a particular food or substance.

4. Celiac disease: Stomach pain is a common symptom of celiac disease. The condition is characterized by gluten sensitivity. People with celiac disease will immediately react to a specific protein found in gluten called gliadin—it is found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, oats, and Kamut.

5. Irritable bowel syndrome: This is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 15% of the population. Some symptoms include gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, abdominal pain, or stomach pain after eating. Candida, food allergies, and food sensitivities are also associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

6. Pancreatitis: Stomach pain after eating can also indicate pancreatitis, especially when the pain lasts for over six hours. Pancreatitis is known as pancreas inflammation. People with pancreatitis will experience pain that begins around the upper abdomen; the pain will then spread to the back. Other pancreatitis symptoms include fever, nausea, and vomiting.

7. Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is a condition where pouches in the colon become inflamed from bacteria. The pouches are also known as cysts or diverticula. Some symptoms include fever, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, bowel habit changes, and cramping pain, especially around the lower left area of the abdomen. Stomach pain after eating is also common.

8. Intestinal obstruction: When there is a blockage in your colon or small intestine, it can be difficult for foods to be digested properly. When you eat too fast, large pieces of food may not be broken down. A hernia or tumor can also lead to intestinal obstruction.

9. Chronic candida: Abdominal pain can also be a symptom of chronic candida—a condition also known as yeast overgrowth. Other common symptoms associated with candida include chronic fatigue, bloating, gas, and depression.

10. Heartburn: Heartburn is also sometimes referred to as acid reflux or acid indigestion. Heartburn is the result of too little stomach acid, and it can produce burning chest pain after eating. The pain may only last a few minutes, or up to several hours.

11. Food poisoning: Food poisoning, or a foodborne illness, occurs after consuming food or drinks containing harmful pathogens that have contaminated the product during processing or cooking. This can include dangerous parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea may be seen within two to four hours after eating.

12. Peptic ulcer: A peptic ulcer, or stomach ulcer, is the result of stomach acid damaging the lining of the digestive tract. This creates open sores in the protective mucous membrane lining, and may present stomach pain after eating. A burning sensation in the pit of the stomach may develop, and bleeding can occur in severe cases of a peptic ulcers.

13. Gallstones: Gallstones are small, hardened forms of bile or cholesterol that build up in the gallbladder. While most cases are asymptomatic, there may be sudden, sharp stomach pain after eating; back pain situated on the right side; nausea; and vomiting.

14. Blocked blood vessels: Blocked blood vessels in the abdomen may cause stomach pain within 30 minutes of eating every meal. As with arteries in other areas of the boy, the blood vessels in the stomach can narrow with plaque buildup. This is commonly seen in past and present female smokers. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

15. Appendicitis: Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. This may cause aches and pains in the abdomen before traveling to the area over the appendix, on the lower right-side. At this point, the pain may become severe and worsen with movement. Other symptoms may include diarrhea, nausea, and loss of appetite.

16. Pelvic inflammatory disease: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, known as PID, is an infection sexually transmitted by bacteria crossing from the vagina to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the uterus. As it invades the female reproductive organs, it may be either asymptomatic or may cause severe pain in the stomach region.

Stomach pain after eating can also be attributed to gallstones, eating spicy foods, a stomach flu, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, Crohn’s disease, and peptic ulcers. Stomach pain after eating may also be the result of a blocked blood vessel.

Read full article at: https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/digestion-articles/stomach-pain-after...

Author's Bio: 

Michael Kessler, DC is supremely qualified to help you heal your health problems using the most natural cures on earth. A fully certified DC and an expert in German Biological Medicine, Dr. Kessler takes pride in educating his patients about alternative therapies that can be more effective than prescription drugs or surgery and using a variety of healing techniques in his practice, including natural herbal extracts, dietary modifications, and homeopathy, to successfully treat “the untreatable.”