Stop allergy and sinus with “oooommmm._
Don’t you want to be one of the 175 million persons that don’t have sinus or allergy problems? Why is that your friends are free of dripping and hacking, but you are not? Why do you have to be one of the 37 million persons plagued with sinusitis? Is it rhythm that makes the difference?
What is that honking sound you hear when your brother blows his nose? Does that mean that the nose is like a musical instrument? Ugh! Actually the nose does have rhythm.
Sound is a vibration. The air vibrates, and that vibration is picked up by your eardrum and translated into electric signals that travel to your brain. But that sound also can affect your nasal health.
In the healthy nose there are millions of tiny cilia which act like paddles. These paddles propel bacteria, pollen and dirt out of the nose to the back of the throat. There they are swallowed and dissolved in the stomach acid. The persons who don’t have chronic sinusitis have cilia that move with precision, in rhythm, to move the bacteria out. If they don’t, you may get a sinus infection because the bacteria remain in place and multiply.
Once upon a time, there was a list of products that slow or impair or stop nasal cilia movement. That included:
Antihistamines, dehydration
Inhalation of air or steam above 40 degrees centigrade (104 F)
Heavy load of iced drinks, chilling, and drafts
Sulphur dioxide, ozone, smog
Inhalation of chromium dusts
Cupric (copper) compounds
Nickel dusts; chimney dusts
Late stages of allergy
Nasal polyps
Skydrol (a solvent used in airplane maintenance)
Severe infections such as pseudomonas, bacteria, H. Influenza, and many viral infections
Hyperbaric oxygen
Reduction of airway diameter
Aromatic Solvents
Paint thinners in spray
But today, thanks to the advances in chemistry, there is a huge list of brand new products that may be causing cilia to slow. If you are using a new product and it causes excessive sneezing and coughing, it probably is affecting your nasal function.
Unfortunately, although companies are required to test their new product for toxicity- if it will kill you- they don’t test for effect on nasal and chest cilia. This is why you need “ooommm.”
Once your cilia are impaired, your nose burns, you sneeze, your nasal airway is congested, and you lose sleep. Then you start getting thick yellow discharge and eventually sinus pain. These are signs of impaired cilia. The sooner you get them back to moving to remove bacteria, pollen and dust, the fewer changes will take place in your sinus cavities.
What exactly does “ooommm” do? This is a low-pitched sound that has a frequency that may “harmonize” with the nasal cilia and get them moving in rhythm to the sound. The exact pitch/rhythm may vary per the acute or chronic stage of a sinus infection; best to try variations till you feel the vibration in your nose.
Pulsing saline at a frequency that maximizes cilia movement is a common approach. As the nose is irrigated with saline – in one nostril and out the other, that frequency “harmonizes” and vibrates the nasal tissue to restore good movement. For example, the Hydro Pulse is “tuned” to maximize cilia movement. The pulsing action acts to physically remove bacteria and pollen too. The massage action moves out stale lymphatic products and brings in fresh blood, which is therapeutic too.
Children can humm too! Some are quite good at doing the “ooommm” sound. Many kids enjoy doing this. Children also at age 5 and up, enjoy pulsating irrigation too. Both kids and adults find the rhythm of pulsation soothing and relaxing; a relaxed patient heals better. Practice these aids often so you can remain in the ranks of the 175 millions who are free of sinus disease.
Murray Grossan,M.D. Ear Nose Throat Specialist in Los Angeles
Author: Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems-Permanently
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