If you want to have more energy and more confidence it pays to have strong boundaries. If you say yes to too many requests from other people you could find yourself feeling harassed and even resentful. Not a good combination for your confidence levels!
There are several things you can start to do right away which will have a positive impact in this area.
You'll find that a lot of these suggestions are really about controlling your time in one way or another. If we feel in control of how we use our time it helps us to feel more confident that we are in charge of our own lives and businesses.
* Get really clear on your business and personal priorities. Only say yes to requests that fit into your own priorities.
* Have set days and times for client appointments rather that saying yes just because you have a space in your diary. This one action can radically reduce your stress levels and give you clear time to work "on" your business.
* If you work from home ensure that friends, neighbors and family members know your core working hours. Don't fall into the trap of being everyone's errand runner or doing the car pool most days. Remind people that you are running a business and your time is important too.
* Say no to requests politely but firmly - you don't even have to say why. Just practice saying something like: "That won't work for me."
* Buy yourself time by not saying yes to requests when you are first asked. Say you'll get back to the person when you've checked your diary. This gives you breathing space to make a considered decision. We all love to be helpful and can find ourselves saying yes and regretting it later.
* Remember you don't have to answer the door or the telephone if you are busy.
* Get help in the form of a cleaner, baby sitter, order groceries on line etc.
Think about what bothers you in this area.
Is there something that others take for granted that is bugging you? Is there a negative friend who drains you every time they phone? Are you doing most of the housework and cooking? Are you the one who always seems to be picked for committees? Make a list.
Now go through your list item by item and decide what you can do differently in future to strengthen your boundaries. Pick something easier to start with as this will give you the confidence to work up to the more challenging items. Not everyone will be happy with your new way of doing things, but trust me, the freed up time and energy will be well worth it!
Shona Partridge of Women Mean Business teaches self employed women and small business owners how to use the power of PR and Marketing to grow their businesses. She's the author of the CD and Workbook program: "Self Belief for the Self Employed - How Boosting Your Confidence Can Boost Your Business" and creator of the business building program "Marketing Mastery - 12 Key Steps to Success."
Visit the WOMEN MEAN BUSINESS website http://womenmeanbusiness.co.uk for more information and to get your free copies of the Special Reports: "57 Confidence Boosters," "Marketing Mastery" and "Work Effectively From Home." You'll also get a free subscription to the regular Women Mean Business newsletter full of tips and articles to help you run a more successful small business and updates on when we run free business building teleclasses.
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