Success and process

Success is not an accident, it doesn’t happen randomly. The Oxford dictionary says that success means 1. „The accomplishment of an aim or purpose”; or 2. „The attainment of fame, wealth, or social status”; or 3. „A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc.”
Usually, we prefer the second meaning of this word, and believe that attaining fame, wealth or social status is enough for someone to be successful. The reason why we make this identification is that we think that success, in this meaning, brings us also happiness or at least puts us in a risk-free condition, insuring us against all the vicissitudes of life.
We tend to see success more as an event, as something that enters into our life without any personal preparation, and not as a result of that what we are. Winning a lottery or at the stock market is the best example for this understanding. Another instance would be that of the movie stars: so many actors become movie stars and seem to have an extraordinary life. And what seems to be easier than to be an actor, that is to repeat before the camera some words from a screenplay? But all the actors who see their job in this way are not successful actors. There is much more than that in being a successful actor and, in general, there is much more than an event in every domain of life where we can speak about success.
Therefore in order to have a better understanding of what success really is, we must start from the first meaning, from the idea that success is the accomplishment of a goal or a purpose. Accomplishment is related to activity and activity is steady work towards a chosen goal. Only those who work to reach a purpose and finally attain it are successful in the true meaning of the word. A sportsman, a politician, an actor, a writer are successful if they have worked hard to attain some inner dream that they have nurtured in their soul for a long time before. Success is the result of their entire personality; it is a life option, a way of being. It isn’t something that is just added to their being, as a coat that can be changed at will.
Real success is transforming, it has the power to change someone in a more complex person. You consider your life and that of others from the perspective given by this wonderful result: success makes from you inevitably an optimist.

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