Each teleseminar or webinar that I host, I am always most excited by the comments and questions I get from participants. What I see consistently is a huge relief from you when I deliver just great content, no pitch, no hitch, and no catch. So take this lesson and learn to do the same for your audience. One of the surest ways to grow your own Tribe is to go and give to them. Feeding your audience regular value content with a sense of humor, heart, and personality will grow your traffic and your business. (And for a shortcut to hordes of targeted traffic, check out the free www.theultimatetrafficsummit.com, February 8-22)
Now, I do understand that we all need to make a living, and I can share that by being what Bob Burg calls a Go-Giver, you are going to find your fee based events filling faster because you have created a strong foundation of KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST with your tribe. So here are 5 simple ways to give value regularly.
#1 On the social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN), share value content always, tell stories with a positive learning message, ask questions that make people think and engage them in a discussion, be a go-to resource for your industry. Remember you don't have to know it all, you just have to be willing to direct to those that do. Being a gatekeeper is an incredibly valuable role to play.
#2 In an eBook or special report dish some real gold nuggets that will move folks forward. Don't be shy about this or think you have to save it for your fee based clients. Know that most won't move themselves forward without you. By providing consistently solid value, it generates greater trust and means these folks will be back to buy.
#3 On YouTube, create a series of short casual (think flip camera) videos that you can post with links (low tech, I promise) to provide nuggets of wisdom in your specialty. These are no more than 3 minutes each and can be true gate openers with those who don't know you and cement relationships with those that do.
#4 In your blog give away the actual steps to do something that you know your audience is hungry for (like what I'm doing here!) Yes, some will actually go do based on what they read, and just as many others will wait for your next morsel, eager to learn more before they advance and ultimately they'll likely invest when they realize that you give nothing but the best.
#5 On guest posts, support and nurture fellow bloggers in your niche and beyond with gracious guest comments. This builds a feeling of reciprocity and that means more comments coming to your blog and bringing new traffic with them.
This is about going farther together always. And when you are ready to shoot for the moon, register free for www.theultimatetrafficsummit.com. You'll get over 14 hours of expert traffic strategies, proven tactics, time saving tips, all designed to move your business rapidly forward whether you are online or offline.
For more great profitable marketing strategies and tips get your ebook gift of 7 Surefire Steps to Marketing that Makes You Money at www.melissagalt.com. I work with small biz owners and entrepreneurs to drive your business forward! When you want a taste head over to www.sixfigureprofessionals.com and share your biggest business challenge and you can schedule a private and free strategy session.
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