Delicious sugar free anxiety meal with low fat chicken diet filled with vitamins and over 100 sugar free low fat diet recipes.If you are planning on starting a diet to help you reduce your anxiety levels one of the best things you can do to get your diet started in the right direction is to plan your meals for the first couple of weeks.

By planning out your meals you can ensure that you have all those anxiety fighting foods included in your daily diet so that you can keep those serotonin levels even and your anxiety down.

When making your meal plan you should plan both the meals and the snacks for each day. Remember that while your meal plan should not only include foods that will help to increase serotonin levels and lower that anxiety, but foods from a wide variety of sources that will aid your overall health. Anxiety busting foods should include foods that contain vitamins B, C, D, and E and amino acids as well as omega 3 fatty acids.

Sugar Free Anxiety Meal And low fat Recipe:

To help you get started here is a sample anxiety meal that you could serve for dinner.

・ Spinach and tomato salad- the spinach contains vitamins C and E

・ 3 ounce Grilled chicken breast (amino acids) over a bed of brown rice with broccoli and carrots 1/2 cup (the broccoli provides more vitamin E and the carrots provide vitamin A which is good for your overall health.)

・ Side of fresh peaches and blueberries ( these fruits contain phytonutrients which are great at reducing anxiety)

・ 6 ounce glass of low fat milk (vitamin D)

Sugar Free Anxiety Meal And low fat Recipe:

As you can see this simple meal contains many of those essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for reducing stress while also containing foods from all the basic food groups as well as being sugar free as sugar may actually increase stress levels. Keep in mind that portion control is needed in order for you to maintain weight or for those hoping to lose weight .

Because of the variety of nutrients in this meal combined with foods that are starchy (the rice) and have anti-oxidants (the fruit) this meal will be both enjoyable to eat and help you feel satisfied without needing to overeat. This meal is perfect for dinner. However, if your work schedule is such that you are eating later at night then choosing to eat a dinner type meal for lunch and a lighter meal for dinner may be a healthier choice.

Sugar Free Anxiety Meal And low fat Recipe:

When planning for your anxiety breakfast you are going to want to choose something that will get you off to a great start in the morning fueling you for the day ahead. This means breakfast should be higher in proteins than carbohydrates as proteins make you more alert and focused.

Some good anti-anxiety meal choices might include a chicken and broccoli omelet made with 1 whole egg and 1 egg white, an ounce of chopped chicken, a 1/4 cup of broccoli and some low fat cheese. 1 slice of whole grain toast and 1/2 a cup or a slice of cantaloupe.

Making a meal plan to fight anxiety begins with making a list of those foods that help to keep anxiety levels low and including at least some of those foods into each meal throughout the day. However, while all of these foods are healthy you also want to include other healthy foods as well to provide variety and keep you healthy overall.

Author's Bio: 

Popa Woolsey writes about improving your physical and mental health at

Popa Woolsey has been writing about self-improvement-health issues for more than fifty years.He is a teacher,author and personal motivational coach.